[Comicsstudiessociety] Brazilian animated short about cartoonist Bob Spit reviewer desired for IJOCA

Mike Rhode mrhode at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 11:27:06 EST 2021

This should be done very quickly - it'll appear on our blog ASAP. I'm not
sure if the Vimeo password will work worldwide or not, but we'll try for
the first person to write to me directly who wants to write a review.
mrhode at gmail.com


*A Stop-Motion Animation, Documentary, Comedy, Road Movie, Based on the
Classic Comic Strips of  Brazilian Cartoonist **Angeli*

*Directed by Brazilian Filmmaker Cesar Cabral Opens at the LAEMMLE NOHO
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mhznetowrks.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=83e01ef553801494b88dd4933&id=239ff1c31e&e=78da6c6c03__;!!KGKeukY!jTcqUhdXF9lBs8r-fOfb2tzkk_BGmUvMQAAaK48TDYPw7UkI-Q1Frp45a6dnYjovd_0mZldizG5h$ >*
BOB SPIT - WE DO NOT LIKE PEOPLE is a stop-motion animation that mixes
documentary, comedy and road-movie. It tells the story of Bob Spit, an old
punk trying to escape from a post-apocalyptic desert that is actually, a
purgatory inside the mind of his creator, Angeli, a cartoonist going
through a creative crisis.The story is freely inspired by the life and work
of one of the most celebrated Brazilian cartoonists of all times, Angeli,
who became famous in the 70s by releasing political cartoons in the midst
of Brazil’s military dictatorship. In the 80s, he migrated to daily strips,
showing an acid sense of humor to represent Brazil’s society, day-to-day
life and customs. Angeli had editorial success with his monthly magazine
“Chiclete com Banana”, which sold over 120 thousand copies per edition.
During his time, the cartoonist has created some of his most famous
characters: the bohemian diva Rê Bordosa, the hippie pair Wood & Stock,
and the punk Bob Spit.


*Cesar Cabral* has a degree in Cinema through the Arts and Communication
School - São Paulo University (ECA-USP). He began his career as a
stop-motion animator in 1998 and co-founded the animation company Coala
Filmes in 2000. He directed the stop-motion short films The Re Bordosa
Dossier (2008), which won more than 70 awards in Brazilian and
international film festivals, and Storm (2010) selected to many prestigious
film festivals all around the world, such as Annecy, Hiroshima, Havana and
Sundance. Cesar created and directed 2 seasons of the young adult
stopmotion animated series Angeli The Killer, selected to 2018 Annecy Film
Festival and broadcasted at Canal Brasil. Bob Spit - We Do Not Like People
was awarded best feature at Contrechamp section in Annecy 2021.

With the voices of *Milhem Cortaz, Paulo Miklos, Grace Gianoukas, André
Abujamra, Laerte, Hugo Passolo, Angeli.*

MILHEM CORTAZ does Bob Spit’s original voice. One of Brazil’s most exciting
actors, he has played parts in films such as “Elite Squad”, “Elite Squad
2”, “Carandiru” and the DGA nominated "A Wolf at the Door." He has also
voiced the character in the series “Angeli The Killer”

PAULO MIKLOS does the characters’ original voice for THE KOWALSKI BROTHERS,
who live in the desert gathering pages of the “Chiclete com Banana”
Magazine. When they meet Bob Spit, they encourage him to find Angeli.  A
gifted actor and musician, he played in seminal Brazilian rock band
“Titãs” and had striking parts in films and TV Series such as “O Invasor”,
“Estômago” and “É Proibido Fumar”, “Sessão de Terapia” e “Os Normais.”

ANDRÉ ABUJAMRA does the characters’ original voice  of RHALAH RHIKOTA, a
charlatan guru who had his fame and followers in the 80s. He is the mentor
of the Kowalski brothers.  A musician, comedian and actor, Abujamra has a
long story in Brazil’s pop rock scene. He was the composer of “Carandiru”,
and has parts in films and tv shows such as “Estômago” and “A Grande

GRACE GIANOUKAS is Rê Bordosa’s original voice. RÊ is a junkie diva who
was the most famous of Angeli’s characters. The cartoonist killed her in
the 80s, and since then she is a lingering presence in his life. An
actress, director, screenwriter and producer, she had several roles in
theatre, TV and cinema. She is currently starring in the TV Globo soap
opera “Orgulho e Paixão”.
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