[Comicsstudiessociety] Does anyone want to review any of the Chicago shows about comics for IJOCA?

Mike Rhode mrhode at gmail.com
Mon Aug 30 09:23:53 EDT 2021

Chris Ware says there are 5 right now, including his. That would also be
Mauldin, Marvel's, post-1960's, and one other I can't recall of the top of
my head.

mrhode at gmail.com

American Vernacular: Chicago and the Birth of the Comic

A cartoonist discusses his new show about the development of an American
art form.

By Chris Ware <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.newyorker.com/contributors/chris-ware__;!!KGKeukY!kIFOlMeCrEJrvHyUSm12p7Q56yTUJs4GY8BJf8haEYoqaqwUBkC-daeaWyrqNv-CkCpRgbl4PDEk$ >
August 28, 2021
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