[Comicsstudiessociety] Sensitivity Reading for Comics (query)

Charles Hatfield charles.hatfield at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 20:17:30 EDT 2021

Colleagues, can any of you point me to resources on the practice of
sensitivity reading for comics? I am aware of a few comics that have
credited sensitivity readers (for example, Maia Kobabe's book *Gender Queer*
includes such a credit), but I've been asked about best practices and
resources in this area and my Google-searching has been inefficient and
tentative at best. I've seen blog posts, Twitter threads, message board
threads, and brief queries in this area -- I haven't yet found a resource
that would give me a sense of topsight or synthesis.

Of course I've seen op-eds about whether or not sensitivity readers are a
good thing, but I take it as given that sensitivity reading is a necessary
and increasingly common practice, and for many storytellers is becoming /
has become a baseline issue of craft. I'm looking for resources that accept
this but ask good questions, or point readers to good sources, about the
craft, business, and ethics of it, especially with regard to visual works
like comics.

In short, I'd like to know more about how sensitivity-reading is being (or
is it?) codified and explained for comics creators, publishers, and
readers. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.


Charles Hatfield
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