[Comicsstudiessociety] Introduction | Lara Saguisag

Lara Saguisag Lara.Saguisag at csi.cuny.edu
Sat Nov 21 13:55:28 EST 2020

Hi, all!

It's been such a pleasure to read all the intros (and learn about folks' exciting projects!). I'm Lara, and I'm Associate Professor of Children's and Young Literature at the College of Staten Island-City Univ. of New York. My book Incorrigibles and Innocents: Constructing Childhood in Progressive Era Comics was released in 2018.

I'm currently working on a few projects that examine the intersections of climate change and children's culture: I'm co-editing, with Marek Oziewicz, The Lion and the Unicorn's special issue on climate change and children's literature (due out Summer 2021). I'm also working on a project that examines oil encounters/fossil fuel encounters in children's literature. While the project mostly considers picture books, children's nonfiction, and middle-grade/YA novels, I also look at children's comics (for example, I hope to look at how Herge comments on oil industries in Adventures of Tintin; how Disney, Exxon, and lobbyists use comics to promote petroliteracy; the figure of the "evil oil tycoon" in comics).

I also study Philippines komiks. I recently published an article on a Philippine zombie komiks series titled Patay Kung Patay (the series' comments on how the Marcos, Aquino, and Duterte administrations "resurrect" Spanish and American colonial practices to oppress/silence farm workers). For months,? I've been trying to finish an article about Nestor Redondo and the outsourcing of comics illustration...but 2020 has not been a good research-and-writing year for me. I'm just trying to enjoy the process of thinking through this project, even if that process has been really slow.


Lara Saguisag
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Associate Professor
English Department | CUNY-The College of Staten Island
Author of Incorrigibles and Innocents: Constructing Childhood and Citizenship in Progressive Era Comics (Rutgers University Press, 2018).<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.rutgersuniversitypress.org/incorrigibles-and-innocents/9780813591766__;!!KGKeukY!jET2G9uYcH8AWUBbIWnu9MmdOpkrMg2Noap9rK6zRfF1E4W9nHfoUuKua5RZZ97igY08viXzxTNd$ >
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