[Comicsstudiessociety] Out now: Comics and the Body: Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability

Eszter Szép eszterszep at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 09:23:30 EST 2020

Dear all,

I am really happy to share with you that my book, Comics and the Body:
Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ohiostatepress.org/books/titles/9780814214541.html__;!!KGKeukY!hfwSTJhf-_3kAVj7aRcNjR9qYgSYwUHUDxUteVjeItwrH8dmz7g4SHZe1ro3yxcg-CnpBI0xQZ3V$ > has been
released (Ohio State University Press, 2020).

In this book I examine the role of the body in drawing and reading comics
within a single framework. In each chapter I approach a different aspect of
embodied interaction with comics (drawing lines; drawing bodies; drawing
style; reading bodies and abstract lines; interacting with a book object).
This is an interdisciplinary book that is equally inspired by art practice,
feminist ethics, and materiality studies.

I made a short youtube video on the book: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtu.be/NI55Sru2mgE__;!!KGKeukY!hfwSTJhf-_3kAVj7aRcNjR9qYgSYwUHUDxUteVjeItwrH8dmz7g4SHZe1ro3yxcg-CnpBFib1Kbf$ 

[image: Eszter Szep Comics and the Body Cover.JPG]
Amazing cover art by Amanda Weiss.

The book is available in affordable paperback / fancy hardcover / practical
e-book editions.

>From the publisher's website:

“The exuberance of the prose and lovely phrasing beautifully offset the
topic, which is exceptionally well-researched as well as being very clearly
elaborated. The book was a pleasure to read and has the potential to
reshape scholarly engagements with the material and affective dimensions of
comics reading processes.” —Kate Polak, author of *Ethics in the Gutter:
Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics **(OSU Press, 2017)*

“Eszter Szép’s book provides an analysis of the body that is currently
undiscussed in the field, not only filling a gap in existing scholarship
but also developing a new lens for analysis that highlights the potential
for further research and study.” —Harriet Earle, comics scholar and lecturer

Eszter Szép’s *Comics and the Body *is the first book to examine the roles
of the body in both drawing and reading comics within a single framework.
With an explicit emphasis on the ethical dimensions of bodily
vulnerability, Szép takes her place at the forefront of scholars examining
comics as embodied experiences, pushing this line of inquiry into bold new
territory. Focusing on graphic autobiography and reportage, she argues that
the bodily performances of creators and readers produce a dialogue that
requires both parties to experience and engage with vulnerability, thus
presenting a crucial opportunity for ethical encounters between artist and
reader. Szép considers visceral representations of bulimia, pregnancy, the
effects of STIs, the catastrophic injuries of war, and more in the works of
Lynda Barry, Ken Dahl, Katie Green, Miriam Katin, and Joe Sacco. She thus
extends comics theory into ethical and psychological territory that finds
powerful intersections and resonances with the studies of affect, trauma,
gender, and reader response.
Have a nice week,

Dr. Eszter Szép
independent researcher, educator, and curator
NEW BOOK: Comics and the Body: Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability (Dec
2020) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ohiostatepress.org/books/titles/9780814214541.html__;!!KGKeukY!hfwSTJhf-_3kAVj7aRcNjR9qYgSYwUHUDxUteVjeItwrH8dmz7g4SHZe1ro3yxcg-CnpBI0xQZ3V$ >
website: eszterszep.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.eszterszep.com__;!!KGKeukY!hfwSTJhf-_3kAVj7aRcNjR9qYgSYwUHUDxUteVjeItwrH8dmz7g4SHZe1ro3yxcg-CnpBAw2yx3Z$ >
Patreon: patreon.com/eszterszep
instagram (in Hungarian): instagram.com/szep.eszter.kepregenykutato
twitter: @eszterlikesrain  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/eszterlikesrain__;!!KGKeukY!hfwSTJhf-_3kAVj7aRcNjR9qYgSYwUHUDxUteVjeItwrH8dmz7g4SHZe1ro3yxcg-CnpBM701bFH$ >
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