Three interesting questions to ponder

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Fri Mar 25 08:42:27 EDT 2022

Here are three interesting questions you should be able to answer
at this point based on things which have been discussed in
chapters 11 and 13.


Last night I removed a bottle of pop (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) from my
freezer.  The liquid showed no signs of ice formation.  I swirled
the bottle a little to equilibrate the temperature.  As soon as
I opened the bottle the pop turned to slush (i.e. ice formed).

Why?  Give a good reasonable explanation.  There is one from
chapter 11 and one from chapter 13.  It is not a supercooled

If you want to try this for yourself, here's what to do.
Take a BOTTLE of pop (you need to be able to see inside).
Put it in the freezer.  Check on it periodically.  Let it
freeze a little.  Take it out and let it warm up until the
last piece of solid melts (swirl gently).  As soon as this
occurs open it and see what happens.


What's one reason to use tap water rather than distilled
water in a steam iron?


When it gets really cold out and there's a bad snowstorm
they use CaCl2 instead of NaCl on the roads.  Why?

Have fun.  Like you have NOTHING else to do with your
time.  I'll send out answers in a couple of days.

Dr. Zellmer
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