Welcome to Chem 1250 - Spring Semester 2022

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Sun Jan 9 22:16:13 EST 2022

Hello.  I am Dr. Zellmer.  I am teaching Chem 1250 Spring Semester.
I apologize if you are getting this and you are not signed up for
Chem 1250.  I got the current roster with your e-mails from the
registrar (SIS, Buckeyelink).

There's a lot of special things going on due to COVID-19.  Even so,
we are fully in person, for better or worse.

I apologize if you are getting this and you are not signed up for Chem 1220.
I got the current roster with your e-mails from the registrar (SIS, Buckeyelink).
In follow-up e-mails I'll discuss recitations, quizzes and various other things.

I also apologize for sending this so late.  Normally it would have been sent
awhile ago.  We've been modifying the syllabus and Carmen.
Needless to say, things have been a little hectic.

If you are on a wait list I'm sending this info to you as well so you know
it if and when you get in the course.  You can get to all the material on
my web pages but you won't have access to Carmen.  If you are still on
the wait list when we start next week you can NOT go to lab but I encourage
you to come to lecture.

Carmen was activated yesterday so you can start checking on material
which will be due the first week of classes.  These are mandatory quizzes.

However, most of the class material is on my own web pages, as explained
at the links below.  I'm still working on parts of them.

If you are on a wait list I'm sending this info to you as well so you know
it if and when you get in the course.  You can get to all the material on
my web pages but you won't have access to Carmen.  If you are still on
the wait list when we start you can NOT go to lab but I encourage you to
come to lecture.

If you come across any broken links please let me know.  Also, if something
looks like it is from a previous semester instead of this semester let me know.

You will be getting a lot of e-mail from me throughout the semester.  It
is meant to inform and help you about the course and lab.  You can
read it or not but if you miss something because you haven't it's your
responsibility.  You may not need something in an e-mail immediately when
you get the e-mail but you should save it.  There's also links on my
Chem1250 pages (not Carmen) for every e-mail I will send.

The semester starts tomorrow, Monday, 1/10/22.  I will see you in lecture
on Tue.

I have my own webpages, separate from Carmen.  There's a lot of information
there.  You should investigate what's there.  Not everything is activated just yet.

The links to my homepage and the class link (which can be found at my
homepage) are,


Chemistry 1250 - Sp22<https://www.asc.ohio-state.edu/zellmer.1/chem1250/chem1250.htm>

There you will find the syllabus.  There also will be an audio/visual
version of the syllabus.   This is not quite ready.  When
it is I will send an e-mail.  I highly suggest you read the syllabus and
watch the video.  It is rather long but I explain things in detail.

There's also a "little" note to let you know a few things about 1250.
Read the WHOLE message at the link listed below and any to follow:


This will make things easier for you when we start on Tue., 1/12/21.
If you notice a mistake or something that looks "strange" (reference to
quarters, wrong page numbers, etc.) let me know.

You can find further details at the link above.

Then go to the "Notes" link.   There you will find a copy of the notes
(overheads) I will be using in lecture.   I highly suggest you print them
and bring them to lecture (print them with two pages to a single physical
page to save paper).   If you took chemistry in high school chapters 1-4
should be a review of what you learned there.   I will make that assumption
so will be moving through it pretty quickly and skipping some things
in class.   If you didn't take chemistry in high school this is not the class
you should be taking.   You might want to check to see if you can take 1210
instead of 1250 or you may have to take 1110 first.

This class is going to move at almost the speed of light.   We've been
asked to cover almost everything we used to cover in 2 quarters (20 weeks)
in one semester (14 weeks).   I will be leaving some things out entirely.
Other things (the easier concepts) I may cover only briefly or not at all in
class but expect you to be able to pick it up by reading my notes and
the textbook (yes you will need to use the textbook).   I will let you know
as we go along.   This is one important reason to come to class.     The notes
I will use in lecture are up on my class web page (not Carmen).   These are
a copy of the overheads I will use.   You may want to print them and bring them
to class as it will make it easier to keep up.   As we go along I may find I need to
leave things out I planned to cover and are in the syllabus and notes.   I'll let you
know when we get there.

There are prerecorded lecture videos for the whole semester posted on
Carmen. I would prefer you watch these before our lecture.  My hope is if
you've watched the prerecorded videos I won't have to repeat everything during
the regular lectures, at least not in their entirety, but instead go over the most
important and difficult concepts and allow you to ask more questions.  We'll
see how this works.  At the very least skim through them and the book before
lecture so it makes it easier for you to follow along.

If you need to miss lecture due to illness, such as COVID, you can use these
to keep up.  There is no plan to use Zoom during lecture or to record live
lectures.  You might also want to ask a fellow student who has an iPad and
is using Notability to take notes to also record the audio and then send you
the native Notability file.

I won't lie to you.  This class will be tough.   The material won't always
be easy, even if you saw it in high school, and there will be other things
most of you never covered in high school.   Then add in how fast we
need to move and it makes it tougher.   Plan on spending around 18
hours a week outside of class just on lecture material and homework and
another 3 or so on lab work (preparation, reports, etc.) for a total of ~ 21 hrs.
There may be times due to the nature of the book material or lab material
it might take less or more time than 21 hours but you should plan on this.

There may be times due to the nature of the book material and lab material
it might take more or less time than this.  Just plan on the maximum time.
If you need less time it doesn't mess up your plan but if you wind up needing
more then you have to change your plans and make a new schedule.  Just
try to stay on top of things and not fall behind (worse thing you could do).

I've been teaching most of this material for about 29 years.  I know how
hard it can be, especially since we have to move so quickly.

Okay, that's it for this e-mail.  Many more will follow later and throughout the
semester.  I will work very hard for you and I expect the same from you.

Dr. Zellmer
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