FW: Preparing for Midterm 1: SP22 CHEM 1250 - Gen Chem Engineers (15926)

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Mon Feb 7 11:55:38 EST 2022

I’m forwarding this since I’m not sure everyone looks at the announcements in Carmen or
has it set up to e-mail you the announcements.

I see that only 3 people have tried the LockDown Browser quiz.

Dr. Zellmer

From: SP22 CHEM 1250 - Gen Chem Engineers (15926) <notifications at instructure.com>
Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 10:19 AM
To: Zellmer, Robert <zellmer.1 at osu.edu>
Subject: Preparing for Midterm 1: SP22 CHEM 1250 - Gen Chem Engineers (15926)

There are two tasks you need to complete before you arrive in the exam room:

Task 1: Familiarize yourself with LockDown Browser.
Task 2: Connect your testing device to osuwireless.
TASK 1: Set up LockDown Browser

As I've mentioned before, you will access the exam through the LockDown Browser. You will not have sufficient time to download it in the exam room, so please do that NOW.

  1.  Download LockDown Browser following these directions.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/osu.instructure.com/courses/115443/discussion_topics/2085704__;!!KGKeukY!g2pl67xIwYkQTBvKmqTB64gvaqpsXa6TZRUr0m4wljWRIAIb7uWdD0jl9lvgO2zV$>
  2.  Use this sample quiz<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/osu.instructure.com/courses/115443/quizzes/691728__;!!KGKeukY!g2pl67xIwYkQTBvKmqTB64gvaqpsXa6TZRUr0m4wljWRIAIb7uWdD0jl9jdzwciB$> to become familiar with LockDown Browser.
     *   The password is "test"

TASK 2: Set up osuwireless access There are a few wireless networks available on campus, but only "osuwireless" provides the necessary security and stability for taking your exam in Carmen. If you use another wireless connection to access and take your exam, your exam may auto-submit early. You may also lose internet connection, which will cause your device to freeze and cost you precious time rebooting and reentering your exam.

Please make sure you can connect to osuwireless BEFORE you arrive for your exam. If you use WiFi at OSU or eduroam, you will likely encounter an error during your exam.

In order to connect to osuwireless, your device must configured with the appropriate settings. Your access may need reconfigured if it has stopped working for you (this is a common occurrence after password changes). Please follow these instructions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/osuitsm.service-now.com/selfservice/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=kb03033__;!!KGKeukY!g2pl67xIwYkQTBvKmqTB64gvaqpsXa6TZRUr0m4wljWRIAIb7uWdD0jl9jbmt9SV$> to configure or reconfigure osuwireless before the time of your exam.

Information about exam procedures will be posted later today.

Good luck on the exam tomorrow!!
Sophie White, Course Coordinator


View announcement <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/osu.instructure.com/courses/115443/announcements/2100336__;!!KGKeukY!g2pl67xIwYkQTBvKmqTB64gvaqpsXa6TZRUr0m4wljWRIAIb7uWdD0jl9oNRfvXG$>  |  Update your notification settings<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/osu.instructure.com/profile/communication__;!!KGKeukY!g2pl67xIwYkQTBvKmqTB64gvaqpsXa6TZRUr0m4wljWRIAIb7uWdD0jl9j5upl3t$>

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