Section 17.7, metal sulfides

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Wed Mar 22 17:00:12 EDT 2023

Someone asked me about Section 17.7.

We did not cover Section 17.7 (qualitative analysis and the flow chart)
in class.  I spoke about it briefly to explain what it was and stated we are
not doing this.  You should read this section and since it will help with some
of the things you've seen in sections 17.4-17.6 and in lecture and about
solubility in general.  You should be able to do the sample integrative
exercise at the end of this section.  It is not affiliated with section 17.7.

Also, for the metal sulfides I did not do any quantitative calculations
in class.  We skipped that part in the lecture notes.  I covered only the
first two pages of notes about the solubility of metal sulfides (pages 39
and 40 in the bottom right corner).   I covered the form of the equilibrium
eqn for metal sulfides which corresponds to the Ksp for metal sulfides.
This same equil. eqn. is shown in a footnote in Table D.3 in Appendix D
of the textbook.

There are no problems from the "End-of-Chapter Exercises" at the
Homework links on my web page that specifically deal with the solubility
of metal sulfides in water.  There is one (17.68) which requires you to
know the form of Ksp for metal sulfides.

Dr. Zellmer
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