Lecture coverage the week before spring break and this week (Ch 17 and 19) and quiz 8

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Sun Mar 19 17:29:14 EDT 2023

Welcome back from spring break.  Did you miss me and the e-mails?

We got through sections 17.3-17.5 the week before spring break.

We will review a WA-SB titration on Tue of this week and cover 17.6.  We
skip 17.7.  I sent an e-mail before spring break with an attached WA-SB
titration curve with question bubbles on the curve.  The subject line was
"titration curve review questions - graph" and it was sent on Fri., 3/10.
Use this to review this type of titration before Tue.

Quiz 8 next Sunday will cover 17.3-17.5.

We'll start Ch 19 as well.  Skim through 19.2 before lecture.  If you look at
my ch 19 notes the first few pages are a review of some things from ch 5.
You really need to review ch 5 before we start ch 19.  We'll be doing some
things in ch 19 which are similar to some things you did in ch 5. Look at the
first 17 pages of the notes which review ch 5 material.  If you have trouble
understanding what's there you may have to review the ch 5 material in the
book.  I won't be covering these pages in lecture.  You have already used
some of this back in Ch 13 when we covered the energetics of solution

We'll probably get through quite a bit of Ch 19 this week.  You will likely
find the material in Ch 19 and 20 to be easier than that in Ch 17.
Midterm 3 will be upon us in no time (the week after Easter).  It covers
17.3-17.6, 19 and 20.

Dr. Zellmer
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