Midterm 2 info and suggestions

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Wed Mar 8 18:15:32 EST 2023

The exam is 7:30 PM tonight, Wed, in 131 Hitchcock Lab<http://www.osu.edu/map/building.php?building=274>.  We plan on starting at 7:30 PM
so get there no later than 7:15 PM if possible.

I plan on being there.  Good luck on the exam just in case I'm not there.

The midterm is set up pretty much like the first one.  For numeric (calculation type) fill-in-the blank
questions for which you work out the answer and type it in, follow whatever directions are there
for the question.  Be careful typing the number in and check the number.  You can go back but
you might not see a mistake in the number later if you go back.

Take a break at least 1 hour before the exam and relax.  You won't learn anything useful in that time.
Technically you don't really learn a lot that's useful the day of the exam that will help.  Stay calm and
don't let it throw you if you can't answer a question.  You get about 2.5 minutes per question on average.
Some will take more time, and some will take less.  You can't spend too much time on a question.  If it's
a multiple-choice calculation question and you don't get an answer that's there just redo the calculation
being more careful.  If you get the same answer, take a quick look to see if you can find your mistake.
If not, and you've already spent a fair amount of time on the question, you may have to take a guess
and move on.  Remember, you can move backward in the exam so time permitting you can go back to
questions you weren't sure about.  Make sure you mark them down on your scratch paper so you
remember which ones they were.  Do NOT leave any question unanswered before submitting the exam.
At least take a guess.

Remember to bring your iPad, OSU ID and an allowed calculator (see the syllabus).

We will not be providing iPads or calculators.  TI Nspires are NOT allowed.
We will not allow you to take the exam w/o a picture ID.

To get more detailed information on preparing your device and midterm procedures go to the following
announcements in Carmen if you haven't already done so.  This info is also in the Exams module.

Preparing your device for Exams

Midterm Procedures

Dr. Zellmer

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