lectures this week

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Mon Jan 30 17:48:28 EST 2023

We will finish 14.6 (catalysts) tomorrow, Tue. and start Ch 15.
I take things a little out of order in the first few sections.  These
are rather short sections and we get through them quickly.
Skim up through 15.5 for tomorrow, mostly because I do some
things out of order in sections 15.3-15.5.  I don't know that I'll
get all the way through that on tomorrow.

Ch 15 is one of the easier more straightforward chapters but
it is important.  If you don't understand this chapter, you will
have trouble in chapters 16 and 17 which are also about
equilibrium.  There are relationships to equilibrium in Chapters
19 and 20 as well.

Midterm 1 covers chapters 13 and 14.  Quiz 3 this coming
weekend covers 14.3-14.6.

Dr. Zellmer

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