General quiz and recitation information

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Fri Jan 20 17:48:19 EST 2023

Your first quiz for credit is this coming Sunday, Jan 22.  Here's some more info
about your quizzes and recitations.

1) Just to make sure you understand the quiz "window" and "time limit" here it is.

The quizzes will be similar to the paper quizzes I would give in recitation if we were
in person and the TAs could grade as we used to, except you won't be providing
explanations or showing work. This means the quizzes will generally technically be
around 30 min quizzes.  You will get 40 minutes for each quiz.  The number of
questions on the quizzes will vary depending on the difficulty of the material covered
and the difficulty of the questions.  There will generally be around 10 questions.
That means you'll get from 3-4 minutes per question (some will take 1 minute, some
might take 5 minutes).  If you can't finish, this likely indicates you don't understand the
material as well as you should.  You have about 2.5 minutes per question on the
midterms with similar questions.

The quiz will be open between 7 and 10 PM on Sunday. That's a 3-hour window in
which you can start the 40-min quiz.  However, you must start by 9:20 PM if you want
the full 40 min for the quiz.  The quiz will automatically submit at 10 PM, whether
you're done or not.

The quiz the weekend of Easter is the Monday night after that weekend instead of
Sunday.  This is the Monday before midterm 3.

If you have a conflict with this time window, you should contact me ASAP the week
before the quiz.

2) You must work independently.  You are not allowed to get help or give help.  You are
not allowed to use the internet for help or upload any part of the quiz to the internet, even
after the quiz is over.  It is open-book and open-note so you can use those things (e-Text,
you class notes, lecture videos, etc.) but not other sites (like Chegg, CourseHero,
Wikipedia, etc.).  However, you really won't have time to be looking things up so don't
depend on getting much help from the book, notes, etc.  You need to know the material.

3) The quizzes will not require work to be submitted, unless we start seeing evidence
of people working together.  This will help cut down on your time and our TA's time.
Even so, you will need to do work to answer questions so you should still have something
around to work on.  I suggest using a computer for the quiz and your iPad for your scratch
paper (real paper works too).  That way if you have a question about a quiz question I can
see your work, otherwise I won't know what you did.

4) The quizzes will have multiple-choice, multi-answer, drop-down, fill-in-the-blank,
numeric and formula questions (randomly generated numbers).  I will not be using
drag-and-drop.  These are similar to what you saw on the pre-quiz.

5)  A link to an information and periodic table page specific to the quiz will be in the
instructions for the quiz.  Use the PT and info page I provide.  If constants are given
on this page use those for calculations. I can not guarantee the correct answers if
you use constants from other sources and not to the sig. fig. given on the PT page
I provide.

6)  Use the proper rounding and sig. figs. rule for numeric questions.  For numeric
fill-in-the blank questions I usually tell you how many decimal places to include in
the answer and you won't be concerned with sig. fig. in those cases.

7)  Pay attention and follow any specific instructions given in a question.  We will
not go back and regrade a question because you didn't follow directions.

8)  Do NOT use the Canvas app. for quizzes or exams.  You should be able to use
your iPad but I don't suggest that for the quizzes if you have a computer.  Your
computer has a bigger screen making it easier to see things.  Then you can use
your iPad as your scratch pad.  In any case use Chrome or Firefox.  Often things
don't render properly in Safari.  I'm not sure about other browsers (like Edge).

9)  There's a "Quiz Information and Instructions" module in the "Recitation" module
in Carmen.  Read it before the quiz on Sunday.

10)  You get one question at a time and once you've left the question you
can't go back to it, i.e. they must be done in order.  If you can't answer a
question take a guess.  Don't get hung up for too long on a question.  It's better
to miss one and make sure you can get to others you might be able to answer.

11) You're not doing official "activities" in recitation.  I've mentioned this previously.
We still want you paying attention and participating.  Come with questions.  We want
to get your questions answered.  I suggest using Notability on your iPad to take notes
in recitation.  If the TA sees you not paying attention and doing other things on your
phone, computer, iPad, etc. they may deduct attendance points.

You are getting 10 pts max for coming to recitation.  I've covered this previously in the
syllabus, e-mail, my webpage and on Carmen.

There's an "Attendance Verification Instructions" module in the "Recitations" module
in Carmen.

Again, e-mail your TA questions you might have by about 6 PM the night before
recitation so they can prepare something.  It will make for a better experience and
you'll be able to cover more material.

Dr. Zellmer
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