FW: CHEM 1220 - Interesting Effect of Colligative Properties and Solubility in the Artic Ocean

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at osu.edu
Fri Feb 10 11:39:43 EST 2023

The following was sent to me by a fellow student.  It's interesting and takes
only a few minutes to watch.

Dr. Zellmer

Hi Dr. Zellmer,
This really cool but morbid video shows the effect of some chemistry properties we've been learning about on the natural environment. Basically, an extremely salty brine escapes freezing water but as it sinks, water freezes around it and forms "brinicles". When this reaches the sea floor, it kills and entombs any organisms it touches. I thought this would be an interesting share for the class with an explanation of how the chemistry enables this.
BBC One - Frozen Planet, Winter, Finger of death<https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00l817b>
Frozen Planet. Watch the best clips of David Attenborough's films from the polar regions for over 30 years.

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