Mastering error - Exam Prep question 3.17

Zellmer, Robert zellmer.1 at
Sun Sep 18 23:09:18 EDT 2022

There's an error in Exam Prep question 3.17 in Mastering.  This
question is in the Exam Prep in the e-text and has the correct

I did this question during the review and came up with something
around 88%. The answer in Mastering is around 22%.  It's not
correct.  In Mastering it randomizes the numbers so not everyone
will have the same initial numbers and answers.  Just do the one
in the e-Text.

Remember, the Exam Prep problem sets in Mastering are not
for credit.  You can choose to do them there and kind of time
yourself or just do the ones in the e-Text.  The difference is,
in Mastering they all have feedback (or even a video) while
the e-Text has only the answer.

Dr. Zellmer
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