[Vwoolf] Woolf Seminar - Savina Stevanato - '“only writing composes it”: Woolf’s ethical and remedial craftsmanship(?)' - 26 April - 7 PM (Turkey Time)

Demet Karabulut demetkarabulut62 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 10 16:28:05 EDT 2024

Dear all,

We are delighted to let you know that as part of the Woolf Seminars series, Savina Stevanato is going to deliver a talk titled '“only writing composes it”: Woolf’s ethical and remedial craftsmanship(?)'. Please consider joining us while we discuss the remedial value Virginia Woolf attributed to writing.

Find the Eventbrite registration link below for the event scheduled on April  26, 2024 at 7 pm (Turkey time zone). Kindly consider the time difference.

[Eventbrite Registration Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/only-writing-composes-it-woolfs-ethical-and-remedial-craftsmanship-tickets-881013985547__;!!KGKeukY!21L6jH_IFJAGc_cnxfVuJJoXAimFu1HBrl36GUD6zf3DjUeB2Z53ZIUYWRA16Cg4yuUhiaHXsz65RtD_oSr_ShY6RRhrwQ9H$ ]

Savina provided some hints for reflection before we listen to her thoughts:

I am interested in discussing and comparing the remedial value that Woolf attributed to writing(form) with the viability of her other remedial suggestions for the ills of the modern world, as they rest on the same foundations. Considering Woolf’s exceptionally relational sensitivity to otherness and her relevant advice to value differences in a collaborative and ethical perspective, are her sociological suggestions a practicable remedy which we can concretely adopt today? Both her aesthetic and ethical reflections are concerned with ways of ensuring unity. Her artistic practice has proved successful; is her ethical lesson equally viable? Her art seems more experienced in the practice of constructing wholeness and thus achieving unity; is this what art can (still) teach ethics: to be relational’ and, consequently, also remedial?

Savina Stevanato Bio:

Savina Stevanato is associate professor of English literature at Roma Tre University. Her main research interests lie in the field of modernist interart studies, with a focus on the relationship between the verbal, visual, and musical codes, particularly concerning Eliot’s and Woolf’s poetics and production. Her recent research concentrates on intermediality, intertextuality, source theory, and re-use practices, with an increasing attention to the works of Shakespeare and A. Carter. Her publications include the monographs “The Music of Poetry”? T.S. Eliot and the Case of “Four Quartets” (2018) and Visuality and Spatiality in Virginia Woolf’s Fiction (2012); among her essays are: “Memory, Intertextuality/Interdiscursivity and Reuse” (forthcoming); “Angela Carter: Incest as Form and the Identity Taboo” (2023); “Fragmentation and Totality: Eliot, Woolf, and ‘Worshipping the Echo’” (2022); “Le terre plurime di T.S. Eliot. Confrontarsi oggi con la Waste Land” (2021); “Anima mundi: per una lettura ecopacifista di Virginia Woolf” (2021); “Knitting against the war: Virginia Woolf’s building-up of forms” (2017); “Between the Acts of Hybrid Spaces” (2016); “Hamlet’s Distancing Devices: Verbal and Visual Marks of Modernity” (2016).

Feel free to get in touch with virginiawoolfturkiye at gmail.com<mailto:virginiawoolfturkiye at gmail.com> if you have any questions or have problems accessing the Zoom link.

Looking forward to an insightful gathering.

All the best,

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