[Vwoolf] Fwd: Leslie Stephen - Conference in Paris CFP

Virginia Woolf in Türkiye virginiawoolfturkiye at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 17:37:11 EST 2023

Dear colleagues,

Below is an email from Claire Davison about the first Leslie Stephen
conference to be held at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris on
24-25 October 2024. Please contact the organizers for questions regarding
the conference.

Woolfully yours,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Claire Davison <claire.davison at sorbonne-nouvelle.fr>
Date: Sun, Nov 19, 2023 at 5:23 AM
Subject: Leslie Stephen - Conference in Paris CFP
To: <vwoolfsociety at gmail.com>, <VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>, <
woolfsalonproject at gmail.com>, <virginiawoolfturkiye at gmail.com>, <
woolfwriter at gmail.com>, <markh102 at gmail.com>

Dear friends, colleagues, and fellow Woolfians,

The first ever conference on "Leslie Stephen" will be held
at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris on 24-25 October 2024. Abstracts
of about 300 words, for 25-minute papers in English, together with a short
(100-word) author biography, should be sent to the organizers by 31st
January 2024 at the following address: leslie.stephen.conference at gmail.com. A
selection of peer-reviewed articles based on papers given at the conference
will be collected for publication. In case of difficulties tracing
Stephen’s works, please contact the organizers, who will be happy to share
links and resources.

Best Wishes,

Claire Davison (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
Isabelle Gadoin (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris)
Marie Laniel (Université de Picardie, Amiens)

*Leslie Stephen: Thinking With and Against His Time*

*International Conference*

*24-25 October 2024*

*Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris*

*PRISMES – EA 4398*

*Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone*


*Conflits, Représentations et Dialogues dans l’Univers Anglo-Saxon*

*SEW – Société d’Études Woolfiennes*

*Confirmed keynote speakers:*

Dr. Jane Potter (Oxford Brookes University)

Dr. Trudy Tate (Clare Hall, University of Cambridge)

*Call for papers:*

Early advocate of evolutionism, one of the first openly declared agnostics,
editor of the *Cornhill Magazine*, pioneering mountaineer, moral
philosopher, founder and general editor of the DNB: there are so many more
facets to Leslie Stephen (1832-1904) than those recorded by his daughter
Virginia Woolf, who memorably paid tribute to his “strong,” “healthy out of
door, moor striding mind”. By unfolding all the contradictions and
paradoxes of the character, this first international conference on Leslie
Stephen means to reclaim the full complexity of his thought and legacy.

Thinking with and against his time, Stephen held a key position at the
heart of the Victorian literary scene and was an impressively prolific
writer, profoundly engaged with the religious, philosophical and social
debates of his age. A highly respected journalist and critic, he
edited the *Cornhill
Magazine* from 1871 to 1882, publishing works by George Meredith, Thomas
Hardy, John Addington Symonds, Henry James and R.L. Stevenson, and was the
author of hundreds of essays, published over the course of forty years in
periodicals, such as the *Fortnightly Review*, *Fraser’s Magazine*,
Magazine*, *Mind*, the *National Review*, the *Nineteenth Century,
*the *Saturday
Review *or the *Pall Mall Gazette*, a vast oeuvre now finally accessible
thanks to online databases.

His devotion to knowledge and integrity were such that he preferred to
break with the academic world of Cambridge rather than compromise with the
Church. Heir to the Clapham Sect, Stephen engaged with the theological
debates of his time to the point of gradually and publicly embracing
agnosticism, a form of radicalism that coexisted from then on with forms of

His own prolific output bears witness to his encyclopaedic mind and his
boundless curiosity for all the key issues of the day, however polemical:
the anti-slavery movement, agnosticism, educational and social reform… Both
a man of his time and a pioneer, Stephen explored new epistemological modes
in keeping with the expanding frontiers of his age, while remaining
profoundly anchored in some of the values and hierarchies of the day.

The DNB, his life’s work, and one of his most ambitious projects, is the
finest example of his desire to define new modes of classification and new
forms of expression for the expanding knowledge of his time. Breaking with
the established narratives of the past, he devised a new approach to
writing the biography of the nation, doing away with the grandiose
tradition of commemoration. In its place, he developed a more
archaeological approach, delving into the past and collating the life
stories of all those who helped shape the evolution of the country.

The same pioneering spirit stoked his passion for the Alps and
mountaineering, in which he proved as much a trailblazer as he did in
intellectual life. It is this conquering spirit that his close friend
Thomas Hardy immortalized in his poem “The Schreckhorn, With Thoughts of
Leslie Stephen” (1897), which extolled his will to “venture life and limb”
as well as the “quaint glooms” of his personality, when paying tribute to
Stephen as the first man ever to ascend this mountain.

However daring and rigorous in his endeavours, Stephen was no less a direct
heir to the Romantic tradition. An ardent poetry lover, he could quote vast
swathes of the poetic canon, from Milton to Wordsworth, Tennyson and
Arnold, and would rhythm both domestic life and mountaineering exploits
with his recitations. Likewise, despite his allegiance to Victorian models
of “Muscular Christianity”, and the manly world of clubs and fellowships,
he would at times indulge in various forms of sentimentalism and
melodramatic displays of emotion.

These are some of the contradictions that the participants to this
conference are invited to explore. Similarly, his vast output deserves to
be reconsidered through diverse critical paradigms, such as new materialist
History, print culture studies, new sensory studies, phenomenology, affect
studies and ethics, gender studies, health and disability studies.

We welcome contributions focusing on Leslie Stephen, but also on the
following topics, connected with his life and times and shedding light on
the larger context of his work:

·      Victorian encyclopaedism

·      Victorian periodicals, print culture, the publishing industry

·      Biography, the DNB, “hero-worship”

·      Stephen’s relations to Victorian sages and prophets

·      Letters, epistolarity, literary networks

·      Cambridge, academia, education and university reform

·      Gentlemen’s clubs, sociability

·      18th century philosophy and literature, the Enlightenment

·      Utilitarianism, Science, Evolutionism

·      The Clapham Sect, Agnosticism, Scepticism

·      War, the anti-slavery movement

·      Morality, the “science of ethics”

·      Mountaineering, athletics, walking, nature and travel writing

·      Memory, elegy, mourning, the Mausoleum Book, Virginia Woolf & Leslie


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Professeure d'études modernistes

Directrice du Département du Monde Anglophone


Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

8 avenue Saint-Mandé - Bureau 517 - 75012

Tél. 01 45 87 41 23

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