[Vwoolf] The Voyage Out - the importance of good filing!

Mark Hussey mhussey at verizon.net
Fri Jul 21 08:11:36 EDT 2023

 This is so exciting, and how wonderful of U of Sydney to make it available in this way. Thanks Stephen!
    On Friday, July 21, 2023, 06:53:36 AM EDT, Christine Froula via Vwoolf <vwoolf at lists.osu.edu> wrote:  
  Amazing, exciting find, thanks for sending, Stephen. Wonder how it wound up in Bow Windows Bookshop around 1976, 7 years after Leonard's death? Christine On 7/21/2023 3: 26 AM, Stephen Barkway via Vwoolf wrote: Here is an article about an interesting 
Amazing, exciting find, thanks for sending, Stephen. Wonder how it wound up in Bow Windows Bookshop around 1976, 7 years after Leonard's death?
 On 7/21/2023 3:26 AM, Stephen Barkway via Vwoolf wrote:
  Here is an article about an interesting copy of The Voyage Out, with a link to a digitised copy, which has bobbed to the surface after being misfiled for years in the University of Sydney.https: //www. abc. net. au/news/2023-07-21/virginia-woolf-copy-of-the-voyage-out-rediscovered-at-sydney-uni/102629680 
Here is an article about an interesting copy of The Voyage Out, with a link to a digitised copy, which has bobbed to the surface after being misfiled for years in the University of Sydney.
Now, where did I put my copy of . . . .
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