[Vwoolf] New audiobook app looking for someone to assist with Mrs. Dallowy

Gretchen Gerzina ozma at sover.net
Thu Feb 23 19:29:57 EST 2023

Hello Woolfians,


I was recently contacted by Lucy Rand, who has started a new audiobook app called Audrey. She is looking for an expert on Mrs. Dalloway to serve as a guide to their edition of that book. If interested, please contact her directly—not me! See below


Gretchen Gerzina


“Audrey is an audiobook app where classic novels and short stories are paired with an expert guide and an illustrator. The guide creates a series of notes that are delivered after each chapter (or story) to help the reader learn about the book, author and historical context, but also to slow down and reflect on the book and its themes in a more meaningful, nourishing way. The guide also provides chapter recaps and character descriptions. We are looking for new guides who have in-depth knowledge of a certain book, author or era (mostly books in the public domain, for rights reasons), and feel confident sharing that knowledge in a digestible and accessible way. If you are interested, I recommend downloading the app and having a look around to get a feel for what we do – https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.listenwithaudrey.com__;!!KGKeukY!yWrHyb60Un2BaNTsRZdt0ksTDy_BZ6hUnQvuVZqGZTFxHofxO8tRZgLOWAak3KoJbVUb4w0zjb1r_kk$  – and then get in touch with me, Lucy Rand: lucy at readwithaudrey.com


Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing from some of your co-Virginia Woolf experts! 


Warm wishes,




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