[Vwoolf] An error in the notes to the Penguin Mrs Dalloway

Edward Mendelson edward.mendelson at columbia.edu
Thu Dec 28 14:03:41 EST 2023

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While we’re on the subject of Stella McNichol’s text of Mrs Dalloway, here is a correction that I sent to Penguin UK a few months ago. The page numbers refer to the UK edition:

in the textual notes at the end (I’ve indicated italics with _underscores_):

Page 251: There should be a lead (line space) beneath the line that begins 138.20, because the explanation below it refers to something entirely different. 
After the line space that needs to be inserted as described, there should be a new line, immediately above "'Context demands'" etc., reading:

    144.9   But said] _1925_; 'But,' said] _Wright_

With this line, immediately above '"Context demands'", the whole thing makes sense.

In the US edition, the corresponding note is on p. 178, and refers to 107.15, and the newly added line should begin 111.31 But said] etc.

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