[Vwoolf] Call for Participants – IVWS September 22nd Event Honoring Louise DeSalvo

Hagen, Benjamin D Benjamin.Hagen at usd.edu
Tue Aug 8 10:57:19 EDT 2023

Dear all,

In 2021 and 2022, friends, family, colleagues, and former students of the late Louise DeSalvo gathered on Zoom on or around her birthday (September 27th) to celebrate and commemorate her. The first gathering, which I was honored to participate in in 2021, was organized as a series of readings drawn from DeSalvo’s work. You can watch the recording of the inaugural event here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycLVaTHL1zY__;!!KGKeukY!xEXBJ-fPh3E4MpcKpQggqsxitn7nkkPLqrG5NkyzQ-76KbwuPD2mbfE8NIJMNWMN-0VpJrL-F80kPbH8zDgx7Nvgbh_g3A$ .

I’ve been in touch with the lead organizer of these events, Edvige Giunta, and have agreed to put together a roundtable of Woolf scholars, which will take place on Friday, September 22nd (official time TBD) and will serve as the third in this series of birthday commemorations. Which leads me to the purpose of this email.

For the roundtable, I need speakers who either knew Louise and/or could address some aspect of her work on/connection with Woolf. Contributions wouldn’t have to be formal written presentations per se (I think informal would be best here) but, rather, occasions to reflect on what Louise contributed, perhaps what she taught us, and ways in which her contributions might be kept alive? Maybe an opportunity for folks to share memories? Since many folks who attend knew Louise as a teacher, a nonfiction writer, a friend, and a memoirist, my sense is that Woolfians can offer something unfamiliar to many of them: a full picture of her research on Woolf and her influence among Woolfians, a picture that includes but also encompasses much more than her 1989 biography.

If you would be interested in joining the roundtable, please be in touch with me at Benjamin.Hagen at usd.edu<mailto:Benjamin.Hagen at usd.edu> ASAP. Thank you!

Ben Hagen
IVWS President
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