[Vwoolf] Woolf in Conversation

Kristina Groover grooverkk at appstate.edu
Fri Sep 16 22:06:19 EDT 2022

Dear Woolfians,

I am developing an undergraduate course titled "Woolf in Conversation,"
and I would love to solicit your ideas.   I am particularly interested in
having students read Woolf's work alongside contemporary women writers and
writers of color.  Please share your ideas about writers and texts that
you've found especially engaging when read in conversation with Woolf,
especially with an undergraduate class in mind.  Many thanks!

Kristina Groover
Kristina K. Groover
Professor of English
Appalachian State University
Member, Heterodox Academy (heterodoxacademy.org)

"Your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else.
If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else."
-- Toni Morrison
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