[Vwoolf] VW watch

Jeremy Hawthorn jeremy.hawthorn at ntnu.no
Mon Oct 3 14:45:44 EDT 2022

A reading of the story is advertised on a number of outlets. Here is one:


I was a little confused by the different names, but “Natascha Graham” appears to be a pen-name of Elinora Westfall. Or vice-versa.

Jeremy H

From: Vwoolf <vwoolf-bounces at lists.osu.edu> On Behalf Of Jeremy Hawthorn via Vwoolf
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 7:45 PM
To: vwoolf at lists.osu.edu
Subject: [Vwoolf] VW watch

The latest number of Stand magazine (number 234, pp 103-7) has a short story by Elinora Westfall entitled "A Terrible Thing has Happened. " The title is taken from the letter written by Leonard Woolf after Virginia Woolf's death. The
The latest number of Stand magazine (number 234, pp 103-7) has a short story by Elinora Westfall entitled "A Terrible Thing has Happened." The title is taken from the letter written by Leonard Woolf after Virginia Woolf's death. The story is "Inspired by the children who found Virginia Woolf's body in the River Ouse in 1941."

Jeremy H

Jeremy Hawthorn
Professsor Emeritus
Department of Language and Literature
7491 Trondheim

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