[Vwoolf] Giles

Gretchen Gerzina ozma at sover.net
Sun May 15 13:23:17 EDT 2022

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Re: Giles. 

In 1966, John Barth published a novel called "Giles Goat Boy." Wikipedia says that "Giles Goat-Boy (1966) is the fourth novel by American writer John Barth. It is metafictional comic novel in which the universe is portrayed as a university campus in an elaborate allegory of both the hero's journey and the Cold War. Its title character is a human boy raised as a goat, who comes to believe he is the Grand Tutor, the predicted Messiah. The book was a surprise bestseller for the previously obscure Barth, and in the 1960s had a cult status. It marks Barth's leap into American postmodern fabulism."

I remember reading it ages ago, but can't recall what I thought of it.

Gretchen Gerzina

On 5/15/22, 1:00 PM, "vwoolf-bounces+ozma=sover.net at lists.osu.edu on behalf of vwoolf-request at lists.osu.edu" <vwoolf-bounces+ozma=sover.net at lists.osu.edu on behalf of vwoolf-request at lists.osu.edu> wrote:

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    Today's Topics:

       1. Giles (ex names and nations) (Stuart N. Clarke)
       2. Re: Giles (ex names and nations) (Neverow, Vara S.)


    Message: 1
    Date: Sun, 15 May 2022 17:12:26 +0100
    From: "Stuart N. Clarke" <stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com>
    To: <VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
    Subject: [Vwoolf] Giles (ex names and nations)
    Message-ID: <590CBC0A8F884862A8A276277788E8AC at StuartHP>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    Giles is not very common in Woolf.  It was a popular name in the medieval period (St Giles was the patron saint of ?cripples?), and appropriately there?s a Giles Martyn in ?The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn?.  Giles sounds a posh name to me, and indeed a distant cousin of Woolf?s was Sir Gyles Isham, Bt (see letter no. 2690), who nevertheless was an ACTOR:


    From: Jeremy Hawthorn via Vwoolf 
    Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:00 AM
    To: VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu 
    Subject: [Vwoolf] names and nations

    Stuart?s exasperation reminds me of this passage from Joseph Heller?s Catch 22 ? it deals with surnames rather than given names, but the emotions inspired are similar. Colonel Cathcart has realized how often the name Yossarian 
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                          Report Suspicious    ?  

    Stuart?s exasperation reminds me of this passage from Joseph Heller?s Catch 22 ? it deals with surnames rather than given names, but the emotions inspired are similar. Colonel Cathcart has realized how often the name Yossarian is associated with events that dealt him metaphorical black eyes. 

    Yossarian - the very sight of the name made him shudder. There were so many esses in it. It just had to be subversive. It was like the word subversive itself. It was like seditious and insidious too, and like socialist, suspicious, fascist and Communist. It was an odious, alien distasteful name, that just did not inspire confidence. It was not at all like such clean, crisp, honest American names as Cathcart, Peckem and Dreedle.

    (Why does Heller give ?Communist? a capital letter?)

    One Woolf name I have often wondered about is Giles, in Between the Acts. What associations does that name have for readers - or did it have for Woolf?

    Jeremy H

    Jeremy Hawthorn

    Professor Emeritus


    7491 Trondheim


    Vwoolf mailing list
    Vwoolf at lists.osu.edu
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    Message: 2
    Date: Sun, 15 May 2022 16:59:53 +0000
    From: "Neverow, Vara S." <neverowv1 at southernct.edu>
    To: "VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu"
    	<VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>,	"Stuart N. Clarke"
    	<stuart.n.clarke at btinternet.com>
    Subject: Re: [Vwoolf] Giles (ex names and nations)
    	<BL3PR02MB7970C10139DB936CC8853BFC8ECC9 at BL3PR02MB7970.namprd02.prod.outlook.com>

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    According to random online information, the name "Giles" means "small goat." I wonder whether Woolf chose the name to depict the character as somewhat rambunctious (snake-stomping, for example). Isa's name means "pledged to god" and "god is perfection"....Hmmm.

    Vara Neverow
    Professor, English Department and Women's and Gender Studies Program
    Editor, Virginia Woolf Miscellany
    Southern Connecticut State University
    New Haven, CT 06515
    neverowv1 at southernct.edu

    I acknowledge that Southern Connecticut State University was built on traditional territory of the indigenous peoples and nations of the Paugussett and Quinnipiac peoples.

    Recent Publications:

    Lead editor, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Kathryn Simpson, and Gill Lowe); Editor, Volume One, 1975-1984, Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources (Bloomsbury, 2020); Co-editor, The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Global Literature (Edinburgh, 2020; with Jeanne Dubino, Paulina Paj?k, Catherine Hollis, and Celiese Lypka)

    From: Vwoolf <vwoolf-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Stuart N. Clarke via Vwoolf <vwoolf at lists.osu.edu>
    Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 12:12 PM
    To: VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu <VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
    Subject: [Vwoolf] Giles (ex names and nations)

    Giles is not very common in Woolf. It was a popular name in the medieval period (St Giles was the patron saint of ?cripples?), and appropriately there?s a Giles Martyn in ?The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn?. Giles sounds a posh name to me,
    This Message Is From an External Sender
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    <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fus-phishalarm-ewt.proofpoint.com*2FEWT*2Fv1*2FKGKeukY!sGQTHKZPbahgZJg_3o-E9i1oF3AsU5qAk3OiKo2gBm6fnOP2Sugs0jicMSXzrw7sBeCbW5NlClygcfMOE84Ep4D5oh69HrL5lDs7Y-4*24&data=05*7C01*7Cneverowv1*40southernct.edu*7C8def8446042e45b2c22808da368dbbb2*7C58736863d60e40ce95c60723c7eaaf67*7C0*7C0*7C637882279617031204*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=4l1B3xg0cHZmMqpWnYZ1AkhCIWAluV38Ktlpcnmtva8*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!KGKeukY!y0QAA5psa9tmfExfvHMEMn6QOaiBSnHMIifQsNM-LxcDESLcKPJjPMDeuQ89GU5PN1VDjDEtwTlmt8IhHyP1XN-qOemPhJSJeCryCA$ >
    Report Suspicious

    Giles is not very common in Woolf.  It was a popular name in the medieval period (St Giles was the patron saint of ?cripples?), and appropriately there?s a Giles Martyn in ?The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn?.  Giles sounds a posh name to me, and indeed a distant cousin of Woolf?s was Sir Gyles Isham, Bt (see letter no. 2690), who nevertheless was an ACTOR:
    https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyles_Isham__;!!KGKeukY!y0QAA5psa9tmfExfvHMEMn6QOaiBSnHMIifQsNM-LxcDESLcKPJjPMDeuQ89GU5PN1VDjDEtwTlmt8IhHyP1XN-qOemPhJSN7cZOVA$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Furldefense.com*2Fv3*2F__https*3A*2F*2Fen.wikipedia.org*2Fwiki*2FGyles_Isham__*3B!!KGKeukY!2q9eNjnnq9Wq29f7uwXV7BpR0hHa9Ugyp4UbHmVmdFQzy7d6URIJK4QyBXyFumNoYXC_euI-5Yz0Xa3lIWidolLyIkB1JViURagalBTYIQ*24&data=05*7C01*7Cneverowv1*40southernct.edu*7C8def8446042e45b2c22808da368dbbb2*7C58736863d60e40ce95c60723c7eaaf67*7C0*7C0*7C637882279617031204*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=hEFn1XJ5haGqtRk8Z4DySpPV52Cm*2FVDqcdHROSijAjw*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!KGKeukY!y0QAA5psa9tmfExfvHMEMn6QOaiBSnHMIifQsNM-LxcDESLcKPJjPMDeuQ89GU5PN1VDjDEtwTlmt8IhHyP1XN-qOemPhJRLCXvZkA$ >


    From: Jeremy Hawthorn via Vwoolf
    Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 10:00 AM
    To: VWOOLF at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
    Subject: [Vwoolf] names and nations

    Stuart?s exasperation reminds me of this passage from Joseph Heller?s Catch 22 ? it deals with surnames rather than given names, but the emotions inspired are similar. Colonel Cathcart has realized how often the name Yossarian
    This Message Is From an External Sender
    This message came from outside your organization.

        Report Suspicious  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fus-phishalarm-ewt.proofpoint.com*2FEWT*2Fv1*2FKGKeukY!vOQf0UZNA6bhRRdxHw6kd_BQkaAMBdLqv5-7cCTkQbktH-sQoDJvMSBujWjSD0Dp2G5Rn2uLaZPk-FDIaMdwaaPactKXFO7Exim7Q-nVKqYdhLjgOPg68kyyrKKFo-t-CROqUxtGJ8C0Mb8f471IdUM*24&data=05*7C01*7Cneverowv1*40southernct.edu*7C8def8446042e45b2c22808da368dbbb2*7C58736863d60e40ce95c60723c7eaaf67*7C0*7C0*7C637882279617031204*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C3000*7C*7C*7C&sdata=m*2Fm6bKKMvo5EGaLkIB2z23XhM58hvcb42g2dCHD3OIY*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!KGKeukY!y0QAA5psa9tmfExfvHMEMn6QOaiBSnHMIifQsNM-LxcDESLcKPJjPMDeuQ89GU5PN1VDjDEtwTlmt8IhHyP1XN-qOemPhJQsh-74pg$ >   ?

    Stuart?s exasperation reminds me of this passage from Joseph Heller?s Catch 22 ? it deals with surnames rather than given names, but the emotions inspired are similar. Colonel Cathcart has realized how often the name Yossarian is associated with events that dealt him metaphorical black eyes.

    Yossarian - the very sight of the name made him shudder. There were so many esses in it. It just had to be subversive. It was like the word subversive itself. It was like seditious and insidious too, and like socialist, suspicious, fascist and Communist. It was an odious, alien distasteful name, that just did not inspire confidence. It was not at all like such clean, crisp, honest American names as Cathcart, Peckem and Dreedle.

    (Why does Heller give ?Communist? a capital letter?)

    One Woolf name I have often wondered about is Giles, in Between the Acts. What associations does that name have for readers - or did it have for Woolf?

    Jeremy H

    Jeremy Hawthorn

    Professor Emeritus


    7491 Trondheim


    Vwoolf mailing list
    Vwoolf at lists.osu.edu
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