[Vwoolf] Leonard Woolf: The Man, the Feminist, the Socialist Zoom Panel July 7th

Marielle O'Neill (1806529) PHD M.ONeill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Wed Jul 6 12:10:59 EDT 2022

Dear Woolfians,

We are writing to remind everyone that we will be reprising our session on Leonard Woolf, originally delivered at the recent Woolf conference. If you're free on July 7th at 2:30pm EDT (New York) / 11:30am PDT (Los Angeles) / 7:30pm BST (London) / 8:30pm CEST (Paris), please join us! The session will last 90 minutes. Here is more information about the session:

Leonard Woolf: The Man, the Feminist, the Socialist
Zoom Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://usd.zoom.us/j/94267060674?from=addon__;!!KGKeukY!3un1_PdJVJCgncoj8H61ZZxcho7sFmXGFmd1lV1TokPwnfirriiCf-TRI8YdPtwnnHc-fbbTJzaLxqmucuXQt3C0zrHVSw$ 

Peter Stansky (Stanford University, U.S.), "Is Leonard Woolf Under-valued?"

Marielle O'Neill (Leeds Trinity University, England, UK), "From the Parlour to Parliament: Margaret Llewelyn Davies, Leonard and Virginia Woolf and the Women's Co-operative Guild"

Anne Byrne (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland), "The pleasure of letters: the correspondence of Leonard Woolf and Nancy Nolan"

Thanks to Ben Hagen for hosting and chairing this panel reprise.

We hope to see you there!

Warm wishes,
Marielle, Peter and Anne

Marielle O'Neill, Peter Stansky and Anne Byrne

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