[Vwoolf] 'On Being Ill' anthology now available in the UK and Ireland

Marielle O'Neill (1806529) PHD M.ONeill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Tue Jan 25 09:41:14 EST 2022

*Sent on behalf of Elte Rauch at HetMoet Publishing*
Dear Woolfians,
In perfect timing for Virginia Woolf's Birthday, the new anthology, On Being Ill is now available in the UK and Ireland at all good bookstores. It was published late 2021 in Dutch and English versions for the European market.
On Being Ill
 HetMoet, 2021, paperback with flaps,
p.172. / £14,99
ISBN 978-1-874320-77-7

For inquiries, proofs, or to order a copy, please do not hesitate to contact Elte Rauch at:
info at uitgeverijhetmoet.nl<mailto:info at uitgeverijhetmoet.nl>

People everywhere have found themselves faced with a global pandemic, during which we have learned to cope with sickness and all that accompanies it: isolation, immunity, loss of control, and recovery. Yet while no longer taboo, illness remains an unpopular theme in literature. In her essay, On Being Ill Virginia Woolf asks whether illness should not receive more literary attention, taking its place alongside the recurring themes of "love, battle and jealousy". This book, On Being Ill, does exactly that.
This edition serves as a complement to HetMoet's 2020 publication of the first Dutch translation of Virginia Woolf's On Being Ill. The subtle complexities of Woolf's essay will no doubt continue to be resonant for a new generation of readers today. In this collaborative volume, authors, translators and illustrators have come together from Great Britain, Ireland, the United States and the Netherlands to represent past, present and future thinking about illness. Noteworthy contributions to this edition are Deryn Rees-Jones' preface to Woolf's essay from 1926 and the introduction to Audre Lorde's The Cancer Journals of 1980. Against these, the voices of contemporary authors resonate as they contemplate the interactions between sickness and literature.
Readers are able to begin the book at the end, or might happily start in the middle, as every contribution is a unique, personal piece which offers poignant observations of the world of illness from within. Writing, as well as reading, about illness, is a form of love.
'Considering how common illness is...it I strange indeed that illness has not taken its place with love, battle, and jealousy among the prime themes of literature'
    - Virginia Woolf
'To believe yourself, your body and that your pain is real, is a radical act of self-care'
- Jameisha Prescod
'Being ill stills time'
- Deryn Rees-Jones
'Representing a diagnosis -- in art, words or photos -- is an attempt to explain to ourselves what has happened, to deconstruct the world and rebuild it in our own way'
- Sinéad Gleeson

'Writing about illness is a form of love'
- Lucia Osborne-Crowley

  'For years I've been echoing the opinion that nurses should receive higher salaries, but I had never seen with my own eyes just how hard nurses work'
- Lieke Marsman

On Being Ill
Virginia Woolf, Deryn-Rees Jones, Lieke Marsman, Lucia Osborne-Crowley, Mieke van Zonneveld, Nafissa Thompson-Spires, Nadia de Vries, Jameisha Prescod, Sinéad Gleeson and Audre Lorde. Translations by Sophie Collins.
Cover art by Louisa Albani
Warm wishes,

Marielle O'Neill
Postgraduate Researcher, Leeds Trinity University
Executive Council Member, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
Programming Co-chair, Outside/rs 2022 Conference
m.oneill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her

Marielle O'Neill
Postgraduate Researcher, Leeds Trinity University
Executive Council Member, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
Programming Co-chair, Outside/rs 2022 Conference
m.oneill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her

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