[Vwoolf] Chat GPT and Woolf

Katherine Hill-Miller Katherine.Hill-Miller at liu.edu
Thu Dec 15 16:08:44 EST 2022

This is wonderful, Anne—you’re certainly right that we don’t need to worry that Chat GPT will put novelists out of business.  But how about that football player in the front row, to the right, who volunteers to write about Clarissa’s relationship to Peter Walsh?  I haven’t tried it out yet.

Thanks for the chuckle on a rainy day of grading essays…


From: Vwoolf <vwoolf-bounces at lists.osu.edu> On Behalf Of Anne Fernald via Vwoolf
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 3:57 PM
To: vwoolf listserve <vwoolf at lists.osu.edu>
Subject: [Vwoolf] Chat GPT and Woolf

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Dear Woolfians, I asked Chat GPT to write a sequel to Mrs. Dalloway. I don't think we have to worry about it taking over from the novelists yet, Anne It is many years after the events of Mrs. Dalloway, and Clarissa Dalloway is now an elderly
Dear Woolfians,

I asked Chat GPT <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/chat.openai.com/__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3ItKsisU$> to write a sequel to Mrs. Dalloway. I don't think we have to worry about it taking over from the novelists yet,


It is many years after the events of Mrs. Dalloway, and Clarissa Dalloway is now an elderly woman. She spends her days reflecting on her past and the choices she has made in her life. She thinks often of her dear friend Sally Seton and the brief but intense love affair they had many years ago.

Despite the passage of time, Clarissa's memories of that time are still vivid and she often finds herself lost in thought, reliving those moments. She wonders what became of Sally and if she ever thinks of her as well.

As she grows older and her health begins to decline, Clarissa finds solace in the fact that she has lived a full and fulfilling life. She has loved and been loved, and she has no regrets.

One day, as she is sitting in her garden, Clarissa receives a surprise visit from a young woman who introduces herself as Sally's granddaughter. The two women strike up a conversation and Clarissa is delighted to hear news of her old friend.

As they talk, Clarissa realizes that the love she and Sally shared all those years ago was truly special and enduring. She is grateful for the visit and for the opportunity to reconnect with the past and with the memory of her dear friend.

Despite the passage of time, Clarissa knows that the love she felt for Sally will never die and will remain with her always. And in the end, she is content knowing that she has lived a life rich with love and friendship.

Anne E. Fernald<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fordham.edu/info/24101/anne_fernald__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3C4hZQWQ$> (she/her)
Professor of English and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Special Advisor to the Provost for Faculty Development
Coeditor, Modernism/modernity<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.press.jhu.edu/journals/modernismmodernity__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3dqikQ2k$>
The Norton Critical Edition of Mrs. Dalloway<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wwnorton.com/books/9780393655995__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3ZRveoMA$>
The Oxford Handbook to Virginia Woolf<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-virginia-woolf-9780198811589?resultsPerPage=2700&lang=en&cc=us__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3XsV685g$>
fernald at fordham.edu<mailto:fernald at fordham.edu>

zoom office hours, Monday 1-3:30 & by appt.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/selfsched?sstoken=UUVQU2FwUENxLUVDfGRlZmF1bHR8YzZjNzQxZWQ0ZDU2ZjlmYTlmY2MwZmMzM2JkNjkwNmM__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3kl5JDjg$>
zoom meeeting room link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fordham.zoom.us/j/6510092633__;!!KGKeukY!3mAkpouXxeCOO6s57DVpdfT55PHqBoFa-iWv6S_pE_o-nXR99o9CZS2kdHSV9ADGC-EyGUKtboJtClj3w48mKnE$>

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