[Vwoolf] Feminist Modernist Studies CFP: Rhys and Modernist Connections

Hagen, Benjamin D Benjamin.Hagen at usd.edu
Sat Apr 2 07:53:24 EDT 2022

Dear Woolfians,

I’m sharing a Call for Papers, sent to me by Erin Kingsley, for a special issue of Feminist Modernist Studies. The issue focuses on Jean Rhys and how the study of her life and work occasions exploration of connections, gaps, and legacies within American, European, and Caribbean modernism. Here is the call:

CFP Special Issue: Jean Rhys and Modernist Connections – Feminist Modernist Studies (Summer 2023)

In the 21st century, we no longer think of modernism as one cultural experience. If having a culture dramatically changed overnight and having to come up with new ways to live, in every sphere of life, constitutes modernity, then those trafficked from Africa to the Caribbean faced their own experience of it. Jean Rhys was born and formed in the Caribbean, and in reinventing herself in Europe as a writer, crafted her own modern voice out of many strands of experience and understanding, particularly as a white writer growing up in a Black post-slavery society. This special issue of Feminist Modernist Studies invites papers that put Rhys in conversation with writers from the Caribbean, Europe, United States, Africa, and elsewhere.

With a career extending from the 1920s to the 1970s, and from the Caribbean to Europe, Rhys offers insight into the feminized service work, precarity, ecological collapse, colonial legacies, and white supremacy that define our present moment. For this special issue, we welcome contributions focusing on Rhys in relation to other modernist and contemporary writers to explore the connections, generative gaps, and contemporary legacies within American, European, and Caribbean modernisms. Papers might address topics such as the reconsideration of the relationship of Rhys and:

·         Left Bank modernists;
·         contemporary Caribbean writers;
·         other postcolonial/decolonial writers

Please submit article proposals of 300 words by June 1, 2022 to Elaine Savory at savorye at newschool.edu<mailto:savorye at newschool.edu>and Laurel Harris at lharris at rider.edu<mailto:lharris at rider.edu>. Final article drafts of 5,000 words will be due by September 1, 2022.

Best to all,
Benjamin D. Hagen, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Associate Professor | Dept of English | University of South Dakota
Author | The Sensuous Pedagogies of Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://libraries.clemson.edu/press/books/the-sensuous-pedagogies-of-virginia-woolf-and-d-h-lawrence/__;!!KGKeukY!kLlwvr_50akUFitrNUwQHbyL73WHuca_J7hLAioqwkYMOc-jSeOdmrwEl2K--ep2HfY$ >
Editor | Woolf Studies Annual<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://press.pace.edu/woolf-studies-annual-wsa/__;!!KGKeukY!kLlwvr_50akUFitrNUwQHbyL73WHuca_J7hLAioqwkYMOc-jSeOdmrwEl2K-AQZ4L1w$ >
President | International Virginia Woolf Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.v-woolf-society.com/__;!!KGKeukY!kLlwvr_50akUFitrNUwQHbyL73WHuca_J7hLAioqwkYMOc-jSeOdmrwEl2K-bcIfLF4$ >
I acknowledge that the University of South Dakota is on indigenous territory. This land is the traditional territory of Dakota, Lakota, Umonhon, Ponca, Otoe, and Ioway nations.
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