[Vwoolf] Google Stats

Elisa Bolchi elisa.bolchi at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 10:11:50 EDT 2022

Yes Sarah, Marielle told me and I apologised for my misreading and misunderstanding.
And yes, you’re correct, the Italian Society was founded in February 2017, and it would be really interesting to have data going back to 1998 or 1976!!!

What Paula says about her post is interesting as well.

Have a nice day!

> Elisa, Marielle was first to share the Google results; I just made the remark about the Google Doodle. I was wondering why there was such a spike for Jan 2018 and thought it might have been when the Italian VWS was founded, but that was around May 2017, wasn't it?
> Shame the figures don't go back as far as 1998, when the VWSGB was formed (beginnings of the internet), or 1976, for the IVWS (before widespread computer use). But let's not get into that or we could be here for some time . . .
> However, a minor point of interest is that about the same number of people access the VWSGB Facebook page from Italy as from the US, a slightly lower number (but not much) than from the UK.
> Sarah
> Sarah M. Hall
> Executive Council, Virginia Woolf Society of GB
> Web: virginiawoolfsociety.org.uk
> Facebook: @VWSGB
> Twitter: @VirginiaWoolfGB
> Instagram: @virginiawoolfsociety
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