[Vwoolf] On Woolf Webinar - The Embassy of Argentina in the UK with Maggie Humm and Irene Chikiar Bauer

Marielle O'Neill (1806529) PHD M.ONeill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Tue Sep 14 05:10:24 EDT 2021

Dear Woolfians,

A reminder of the free Zoom event:

* On Woolf (webinar) *

The Embassy of Argentina in the UK invites all Woolf enthusiasts to a conversation on Virginia Woolf between the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain's Maggie Humm and Irene Chikiar Bauer, Friday 17 September, 6pm UK / 2pm ARG. Chaired by Mariana Casale with Q&A from attendees. In Spanish and English with simultaneous translation available for both languages.

Maggie Humm is a professor, educator, writer and the author and editor of numerous books focusing on women, feminism and Virginia Woolf, often in relation to Woolf's interest in photography and film. She lives in the UK.

Irene Chikiar Bauer is an Argentine journalist, teacher and writer. During her career, she has specialised in disseminating gender issues through the promotion of works by women writers and artists. She is the author of the book 'Virginia Woolf, A Life in Writing', the most comprehensive biography of Virginia Woolf in the Spanish language. She lives in Argentina.

FREE online event. Register at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bit.ly/38Sdwjj__;!!KGKeukY!ls3XyXSjIJBBHjxXObAa2befYD0TyFxkX0V9RnbiA6XlJBhiAQPKJmryzcrgVTBZ80c$ 

Warm Wishes,

Marielle O'Neill
Postgraduate Researcher, Leeds Trinity University
Executive Council Member, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
m.oneill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her

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