[Vwoolf] 'The Influence of the Visual Arts on the Early Short Stories of Virginia Woolf’ by Sarah Latham Phillips Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain Zoom

Marielle O'Neill (1806529) PHD M.ONeill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Fri Nov 12 04:03:16 EST 2021

Dear Woolfians,

A reminder of the following Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain Zoom event:

‘The Influence of the Visual Arts on the Early Short Stories of Virginia Woolf’ by Sarah Latham Phillips
Wednesday 24 November 2021, 5.30pm London time

The intention of this illustrated talk is to show similarities between, on the one hand, the experimental and Modernist style of Woolf’s writing and the designs and ideas of Roger Fry, Clive Bell and Post-Impressionism, and on the other, the avant-garde Cubist movement, the artistic genre which was founded by Picasso and Braque in Paris from 1907.

Sarah Latham Phillips is a freelance lecturer and teacher on the Victorians and the Modernists, with particular focus on Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury. Her publications include Virginia Woolf as a Cubist Writer, and she has spoken widely at art galleries, festivals, and conferences. She is on the Executive Council of the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, and recently organised the Virginia Woolf Study Weekend in St Ives, held at the historic Porthmeor Studios.

This is a FREE member-only online session. Members will be sent the Zoom link. To join the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, see: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.virginiawoolfsociety.org.uk/membership/__;!!KGKeukY!n_pCWo37QG0aQki9XbfHtsDMLf1RSBNLZ4897mqEvG92pX7xL4sIcKESDiOK8TtTKL4$ 

Membership includes free monthly Zoom seminars with Woolf experts, in-person study weeks at Woolf-related places as well as social events, and 3 editions per year of our journal, the Bulletin. We have an exciting range of in-person and online events planned for the near future.

Warm Wishes,

Marielle O’Neill
Postgraduate Researcher, Leeds Trinity University
Executive Council Member, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain
Programming Co-chair, Outside/rs 2022 Conference
m.oneill at leedstrinity.ac.uk
Pronouns: She/Her

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