[Vwoolf] Issue 98 of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany is now online

Neverow, Vara S. neverowv1 at southernct.edu
Fri Dec 31 23:41:54 EST 2021

Dear all,

Issue 98 of the Virginia Woolf Miscellany is now online. The issue features the special topic "The First Thirty Annual (International) Conferences on Virginia Woolf," edited by AnneMarie Bantzinger. The collection offers a collage of reminiscences and memories that evoke the conference experiences from multiple perspectives.

The issue can be accessed here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://virginiawoolfmiscellany.wordpress.com/virginia-woolf-miscellany-issue-98-fall-winter-2021/__;!!KGKeukY!l-exXQo86GpqoiJ3VGf3tMD6gcHwZkdnHbL37DDmKbLBblM_tfompdft0ZYAerUmpXw$ .

The "Truly Miscellaneous" section includes Christine Froula's review of Berkeley Repertoire Theatre's "The Waves in Quarantine" and two of Kristin Czarnecki's poems.

Furthermore, the issue includes multiple book reviews: Mark Hussey's review of five iterations of Mrs. Dalloway; Benjamin D. Hagen's review of Louisa Amelia Albani's A Moment in the Life of Virginia Woolf and Erik Fuhrer's VOS, a collection of poems drawn from passages in Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out; Eleanor McNees' review of Mary Jean Corbett's Behind the Times: Virginia Woolf in Late-Victorian Contexts; Karen Levenback's reviews of Virginia Woolf and Christian Culture by Jane de Gay and Religion Around Virginia Woolf by Stephanie Paulsell; and Janet M. Manson's review of Leonard Woolf: Bloomsbury Socialist by Fred Leventhal and Peter Stansky.

At the end of the issue is The Society Column, written by Benjamin Hagen, President of the International Virginia Woolf Society (see page 60, continuing on page 59).

On page 59, there is a list of the Woolf Salons. Launched in July 2020 during the peak of the pandemic by Benjamin Hagen, Shilo McGiff, Drew Shannon, and Amy Smith, the online gatherings have continued. There have been 15 online events (16 if one includes "office party" video get-together). The most recent event, the reading of "Time Passes" from Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, occurred in early December. Members of the International Virginia Woolf Society can access the recorded meetings online.

There are a number of promotions and CFPs in the front matter of the issue, including Marielle O'Neill's call for proposals for the "Outside/rs 2022: Making Space at the Queer Intersections of Sex and Gender" conference (submissions are due by January 9, 2022), and the Clemson University Press call for proposals for annotated editions of Woolf's work (see page 5).

Members of the International Virginia Woolf Society can opt to receive print copies of the issue. The print copies will be mailed by mid-January. If you have been a member but are uncertain about your current membership status, please contact Erin Kingsley at ekingsley at king.edu<mailto:ekingsley at king.edu>.

Please tell me if you have any questions. Also, if you see any errors in the issue, please notify me. The online version is subject to editing during the next few days.

All best wishes for a very happy new year!


Vara Neverow
Professor, English Department and Women's and Gender Studies Program
Managing Editor, Virginia Woolf Miscellany
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515
neverowv1 at southernct.edu

I acknowledge that Southern Connecticut State University was built on traditional territory of the indigenous peoples and nations of the Paugussett and Quinnipiac peoples.

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