[Vwoolf] Woolf Works ballet

Diane Reynolds direynolds1502 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 19:47:24 EDT 2020

I wanted to mention how much I enjoyed the Royal Ballet Woolf Works performance. For some reason, I had expected  background information before the ballet in lieu of program notes, so I was confused about the first ballet—I thought the woman dancing with Septimus was Rezia, not Clarissa. But then I thought that Rezia wasn’t acting like Rezia! So lovely as the first dance was, my husband and I stopped and read about the ballet on line so we could be oriented for the next two dances. That was very helpful! I believe Woolf would have loved the Orlando dance, as it caught, I thought, her vision of an androgynous world. I especially think she would have loved the men in body suits and tutus—what a wonderful rebuke to the chestfuls of medals! I also felt, though the Guardian story we read said “Blade Runner,” that the Orlando piece was using the visual iconography of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of of the Moon.  Finally, while I found the last dance very moving, it “felt” more like Between the Acts to me (the maypole dance of a merged community) that The Waves, which I would have staged as six distinct if interwoven personalities—but that is a quibble. It was a very beautiful performance that, to my mind, “got” Woolf on many levels. 

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