[Somean] Visiting prospective student: October 30-31

Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu
Mon Oct 9 17:02:08 EDT 2023

Hey So Meaners and others,

We’re going to have a prospective phd student visiting us through the GPS program on October 30-31. His name is Gideon Kortenhoven and he’s a graduating senior at the University of Michigan, who’s done some work with Marlyse Baptista and Jessi Grieser.

I’m not entirely sure yet which of the timeslot are our job to cover vs. the GPS organizers, but if you’re willing to meet with him or walk him places can you let me know, and tell me when you’re available those days?

I do know we specifically need someone who can meet him at the Blackwell at 9am on Monday the 30th and bring him to the department. And there’s a roundtable discussion for students at the Blackwell Sunday Oct 29th 8:30-10pm (I assume there will be fancy food there?) if anyone wants to go to that. There’s also a banquet on Monday Oct 30 at 6:30pm, with a speech and everything. That may not sound like a positive, but the speech-giver is Dr. Treva Lindsey (https://wgss.osu.edu/people/lindsey.268) who is new faculty in WGSS and seems very cool. They’re officially asking for a grad studies chair but I’m sure we could send students if anyone wants to go since it’s listed as GSC or “Designee” so Micha can design who he wants.

The  rest is just meeting with him, maybe giving him a tour of campus or the department, walking him to meetings, stuff like that, whenever you’re available. Much gratitude for anyone who can help out!


Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Ohio State University
campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu

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