[Somean] special Changelings meeting for Kantarovich visit

Sims, Andrea sims.120 at osu.edu
Wed Feb 15 16:20:27 EST 2023

Dear Changelings and SoMean,

This Friday we will have a special meeting of Changelings as part of Jessica Kantarovich’s visit. Clint Awai-Jennings will lead discussion of some of his dissertation research:

Title: The syntactic and semantic functions of kine and da kine in Hawai`i Creole English

Description: Both kine and da kine, originating from English kind, are emblematic features of Hawai`i Creole English ("Pidgin"), known for their numerous functions and meaning beyond the nominal use as 'kind, sort'.  My work focuses on a thorough synchronic account of all of these functions and meanings, as well as a categorization of the various senses.  I also consider the social meaning behind these expressions and the impact their use has on the Pidgin speech community living in an English-dominant society.

There are both in person and zoom attendance options. Clint will present over zoom.

Date/Time: Friday February 17, 11am-12n
Physical Location: Oxley 103 (note different location!!)
Zoom Location: https://osu.zoom.us/j/98212034536?pwd=WU4wN3RKaFQvYlB6TExlODhXL3B5dz09  (same as usual)


[The Ohio State University]

Andrea Sims
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director and Honors Advisor
Department of Linguistics
1712 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43202 USA
sims.120 at osu.edu<mailto:sims.120 at osu.edu>

Pronouns: she/her/hers
Co-editor, Word Structure<https://www.euppublishing.com/loi/word>
Co-editor, Morphological Diversity and Linguistic Cognition<https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/morphological-diversity-and-linguistic-cognition/31B808F8605CD4563AD62805FFDC7F6C#fndtn-information> (2022, Cambridge University Press)
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