[Somean] So Mean formatting

Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu
Mon Aug 21 15:19:37 EDT 2023

Ok the survey responses are pretty spread out and the general vibe on hybrid is positive. So we’ll try for both. (https://osu.zoom.us/j/94772575814?pwd=bSttdi9FQy9UU1pYd05kaEdNbk4xUT09 and Oxley 122). Anna and I will be on Zoom mostly.

If someone’s up for being the tech person to link the in person and the zoom contingents together from the room, we can have fancy hybrid and not just everyone on their own laptop. Any volunteers?


From: Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn <campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu>
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 4:16 PM
To: somean at ling.osu.edu <somean at lists.service.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: So Mean formatting

Hi everyone!!

I had a good time on sabbatical but I’m so very excited to be coming back to So Mean this year! If you’re thinking attending So Mean this semester, I’d be grateful if you could fill out this short survey about preferred format. https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6nCvQeqc5MWZJ5A

Some useful practical background: we’ll have a Zoom room and Oxley 122 for all the sessions so for people who need to be on zoom or don’t have a place to So Mean in a given session, those will be options. The questions are more in terms of where I am and whether as a group we’re encouraging the bulk of us (explicitly or implicitly) to be on one medium or the other. If I’m in person, I’ll be masking and I’d appreciate folks joining me in that, though it won’t be a requirement.

Thanks everyone and I’m looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Ohio State University
campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu

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