[Somean] Tomorrow in SoMean: Ariana dissertation workshopping

Steele, Ariana steele.870 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Thu Oct 20 14:48:34 EDT 2022

Hey folks!

Tomorrow in SoMean, I will be sharing dissertation plans, loosely titled, "Nonbinary intersubjectivity and the listening subject." I hope to get lots of feedback from everyone!

Please let me know if anyone else is also presenting tomorrow - or if you would like to - as I don't have access to the schedule at the moment.

Zoom and meeting details reminders:
Time: 11-12:30pm Eastern
Zoom link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94792211951?pwd=MDVMZnpEdUVCS1dVbDN4cTU5L3pGdz09
In person location: Oxley 122


Ariana Steele (they/them)
PhD Student
Department of Linguistics
Ohio State University

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