[Somean] NWAV Plenary and Program Links

Conner, Katherine A. conner.280 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Fri Oct 29 15:59:54 EDT 2021

Hey Friends -

I went ahead and just compiled the plenaries here for y'all.

Tracey Weldon - "Middle Class African American English and Why it Matters<https://utexas.zoom.us/rec/play/qpSMCX8uw_OSWtWf7zwOOoDonFgGSq9QXOkmqwQJ4Ic9FJvHGcZpCr5pc_Yx7l8009os620ZuOoyQEo.r7en9kMQ2E7ueXwh?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=ch4DxeOUQCiqkuV7u2wT6w.1635517649679.6cc3c6b8ed3f995f012467d96f35a072&_x_zm_rhtaid=616>"

Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy - "Lifespan Change and Style Shifting: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches in Historical Sociolinguistics<https://utexas.zoom.us/rec/play/0NYaf0bJbsOh9tF5uzrQvduaa9xBkn2gLP_OJtrFJhocv-m4fHNgw53CVhOlw3pTBY5OQWcV3XSLhx7b.bUVvCXCTFMQBMcy2>"

They're still uploading recorded talks/sessions/etc, so once Amelia Tseng's ("A Raciomultilingual Perspective on Sociolinguistic Variation") and Marlyse Baptiste's ("Out of Many Voices, One Language") are uploaded I'll reply to this message with them!!! ❤️

Additionally, here's the link to the public-facing program<https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/public/2091/program>. It doesn't have talk links, but I'm happy to pass those links along for anyone who wants them for specific talks. Just let me know (conner.280 at osu.edu). 😁


Katie Conner (she/hers)

PhD Student Linguistics
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