[Somean] Albanian Greek identity roundtable invitation

Ndoci, Rexhina ndoci.1 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Fri Dec 3 15:17:42 EST 2021

Dear all,

Join us in an online roundtable on Albanian-Greek identity this Thursday, December 9 at 12pm (EST)/ 5pm (UK time; which is what you see in the announcement<https://torch.ox.ac.uk/event/thirty-years-later-rethinking-albanian-greek-identity>). I am very happy to co-organize and co-chair this event (which those of you who know me, you also know it is a topic very important to me) together with Linda Xheza (University of Amsterdam) and the cultural studies network Greek Studies Now<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://gc.fairead.net/main__;!!KGKeukY!kETloH-fMayOPtG8R4FpHhkaYbxaU1B2wCsAZlZi7V5KKEffYY0JAX7Cj5ueWd6f1usuuaRZ$>. Please see the event description at the bottom of this email.

Registration information can be found here<https://torch.ox.ac.uk/event/thirty-years-later-rethinking-albanian-greek-identity>. For the general audience, the event will be livestreamed in YouTube, but if you have strong opinions and feelings about the topic, please let me know (at ndoci.1 at osu.edu) and I will add you as a respondent to the Zoom meeting where you will have the chance to ask questions or make comments when we open the Q&A. There will be a possibility for questions on YouTube, but the Zoom questions will be prioritized.

Although, this sounds like a very specific topic with a very specific audience, I think a large part of the conversation will resonate with a broader audience that might be interested in hyphenated identities in migratory contexts.

I hope to see many of you there!
Gina Ndoci

Rexhina (Gina) Ndoci (she/her/hers)
PhD Candidate, Department of Linguistics
The Ohio State University
ndoci.1 at osu.edu

Thirty years later – Rethinking Albanian-Greek identity

Albanians started migrating to Greece in the early 1990s following the fall of the communist regime in Albania and almost half a century of isolation from the rest of the world. Today, ethnic Albanians constitute approximately 5% of the population of Greece, with a large number of them being the children of those first-generation migrants.

In this Greek Studies Now<http://greekstudiesnow.org/> roundtable we will explore what it means to be Albanian-Greek for those who were born in Greece or have migrated there at a young age, in light of the attitudes that the community has encountered. Although hyphenated identities are widely used in places such as the U.S., it seems that Greek society has been slow in adopting such designations and in recognizing the sociocultural complexity of the positions of Albanian-Greeks in present-day Greece.

The question of whether versions of Albanianness can be included in the way we think of Greek citizenship today has very rarely been addressed to those directly concerned. In this roundtable we aim to open up the space to ask our panellists if they feel included in Greece and what kind of relationship they have formed with the country. How do they relate to the ways they have been formed as subjects through dominant discourses in Greece? What counternarratives have they devised to speak back to these dominant discourses through literature, art, film, scholarship, philosophy or other fields and modes of expression? How do they approach the question of a hyphenated identity: does an Albanian-Greek identity exist, and if so, which conditions, inclusions, and exclusions have helped shape it or have undercut its formation? Is such a hyphenated identity necessary or desirable?

Confirmed speakers:

  *   Eno Agolli (poet and philosopher, Rutgers University)
  *   Ilira Aliaj (educator and translator)
  *   Ervin Kondakciu (political scientist, Universities of Hamburg and Groningen)
  *   Neritan Zinxhiria (film director)

Convened by Rexhina Ndoci (linguist, The Ohio State University) and Linda Xheza (media/cultural theorist), University of Amsterdam)

In the first part of this event, we will have brief presentations by the four main speakers. In the second part, we will open the floor for a live conversation with invited interlocutors from academic and activist communities as well as with the audience.

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