[Somean] Virtual So Mean for fall semester

Campbell-Kibler, Kathryn campbell-kibler.1 at osu.edu
Fri May 29 15:08:12 EDT 2020

Hi So Meaners!

Thanks so much for your voting in our speaker poll. I look forward to getting more votes next week. I'm sure whoever we choose will be amazing.

This week has involved a lot of emails and meetings about fall semester, as OSU stumbles vaguely towards a plan.  (Also, unrelatedly, a lot of racist violence and protests of same.  It's been a hell of a week. Make sure you take a breath and have a treat this weekend.) To help with your planning, I wanted to let you all know that So Mean will continue in its virtual incarnation (de-incarnation? enpixelation? digitization?) for fall semester and most likely next spring as well. If you have thoughts about how to make virtual So Mean more useful or fun, please let me know!


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