[Sc-aquaponics] Aquaculture Teachers Manual and coordination of teachers in Ohio who manage aquaculture/aquaponic systems in the classroom

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Wed Apr 13 10:46:08 EDT 2022


Kentucky State University just released an Aquaculture Teachers Manual (100 pages), that is likely useful to those of you who work in school systems or work with schools.

The manual was too large to attach, so here is the link to download it: https://gofile.me/6cBnf/0ERDbRppr?fbclid=IwAR2EA4G0OROnrfjyC0AeHWlKN4DUTqQtGWpD2nQb4DSmBFbHnFq8BBOB5EQ

This is a perfect opportunity for me to follow up with something I have wanted to do for a while - connect middle/high school programs, CTCs, and possibly even some non-profits together so that teachers can learn what others are doing in Ohio, how aquaculture/aquaponics is implemented in the classroom, and provide support to one another. I created a Facebook page dedicated to this right when COVID hit the U.S., but that has remained inactive since most teachers shut down their systems when everyone went home.

I know there are quite a few of these programs throughout the state - many of which I have no idea exist. If you are involved in a school-based or Career Tech Center aquaculture or aquaponic program and would like to be part of a group of like-minded teachers/programs, please shoot me an email at smith.11460 at osu.edu. If you are a farmer who works with schools in Ohio, please either send me their contact info. or ask them to reach out if they are interested.

How this group convenes (emails, Facebook, Discord, Teams, etc.) and how often will be developed after we see who is interested.



[The Ohio State University]
Matthew A. Smith
Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Madison County Extension Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
740.852.0975 ext 17 Office
smith.11460 at osu.edu
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