[Sc-aquaponics] fish fact sheet and open office hours today (Dec 16) 11am-1pm EST

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Thu Dec 16 10:06:17 EST 2021


Today will be the last open office hours Thursday of the year. My office hours today (Dec 16th) are from 11am-1pm EST. Please note that if you want to Zoom/talk outside of these hours, you can either email me to set up a time or just call me. Link for today's Zoom is below.

Today's fish fact sheet is by the Western Regional Aquaculture Center. Title is The Effects of Regulations on the U.S. Salmonid Industry: National Findings.


Several Midwest states were surveyed including Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Missouri. The total national on-farm regulatory cost burden was $16.1 million per year, and the annual regulatory costs per pound were $1.23. Sixty-eight percent of the total costs were direct costs, with the majority being for fish health certificates and managing effluent discharge.

Reasons like this are why it's necessary to #1 build and maintain an actual business plan and #2 to account for the regulatory burden that you will/can be impacted by in your financials.

Anyone in the Midwest can join the open office hours.

Matthew Smith is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 938 4758 9186
Password: 11460
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Happy Holidays


[The Ohio State University]
Matthew A. Smith
Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Madison County Extension Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
740.852.0975 ext 17 Office
smith.11460 at osu.edu
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