[Sc-aquaponics] survey to understand the effectiveness and impact of NCRAC in our region

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Mon Oct 11 15:39:11 EDT 2021

Producers in Ohio and throughout the North Central Region,

Virginia Tech is lead on a multi-state project where we are attempting to understand how effective NCRAC funded research has been within the North Central Region. As a reminder, Ohio is included in this USDA NIFA-designated region. See below for why the survey is being conducted.

Please share with your respective associations and organizations to increase participation rate of our farmers. Farmers do NOT need to be familiar or directly involved in NCRAC to participate in the survey.

Survey link HERE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bit.ly/ncracprojectsurvey__;!!KGKeukY!h3sXplom2q02zslFt4ZU8urRMPa1JfX1fqBhug68sojNmnec2TX0Edz_NX8ShSmKN2E2Ig$> or copy/paste this link into your web browser: https://virginiatech.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0D85mY7WfYOFG5w

The purpose of this study is to provide insight into the effectiveness of research funded by the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (NCRAC). NCRAC was created to fund research and Extension projects to find solutions to problems on aquaculture farms in the region. Regardless of whether you are familiar with NCRAC or not, completing this survey will help us to identify ways that NCRAC can provide better support to aquaculture farms in the region. Your recommendations for improving NCRAC will be very useful. Understanding the effectiveness of NCRAC funded research is critical to the planning and development of future research and Extension projects and programs. We need your help to understand the impacts and effects of NCRAC funded research and Extension activities on your aquaculture business. Results from this study will be shared with NCRAC to guide future research and Extension programs.

Kind Regards,


[The Ohio State University]
Matthew A. Smith
Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Madison County Extension Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
740.852.0975 ext 17 Office
smith.11460 at osu.edu
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