[Sc-aquaponics] Fw: Webinar - African American Farmers: Stress Issues and Solutions

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Tue May 4 12:19:46 EDT 2021


Heads up about an upcoming webinar! It does looks like registration is required.



This webinar is being hosted by the National AgrAbility Project. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264 or email agrability at agrability.org<mailto:agrability at agrability.org> if you have questions.
African American Farmers: Stress Issues and Solutions
Thursday, May 27
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

All farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers face stress related to their occupations. However, African American farmers have additional sources of stress not faced by other agricultural producers. Some of the main topics for this webinar include

  *   a brief summary of stress sources common to all farmers
  *   unique stressors that African American farmers face
  *   suggestions and resources that could be helpful to African American farmers facing stress
  *   recommendations that professionals should keep in mind when working with African American farmers

The presenter will also emphasize

  *   getting to know the African American farmers you work with and understanding their unique histories
  *   the importance of being sincere and trustworthy: the way you interact can determine if you become part of the solution or add to the problems

Our Presenter:

John Jamerson is founder and project manager of Legacy Taste of the Garden LLC and Legacy Farming and Health Group headquartered in Lyles Station, Indiana, a historic African American farming community. Legacy’s aim is to close the gap between local producers and the local community to help support the community’s economic vitality. They seek to help empower individuals and communities to become self-sustaining and economically sound through education, networking, and resources to promote a healthy, sustainable, empowered life.

A question & answer period will follow the presentation.


To participate in this free webinar, click here to access the online registration form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_08U1GCKzSeTr0xM__;!!KGKeukY!jdyoZpvsZIiRft4iSv-7GKehKZCkNWnoelrNWwMD0fYQWYuoNXjA4oDplV8i7e3pGg$> by Monday, May 24. Instructions for accessing the session will be sent to registrants by Tuesday, May 25. Please pass on this invitation to others you believe may be interested. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264 or email agrability at agrability.org<mailto:agrability at agrability.org> if you have questions.

The North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center is supported by USDA-NIFA Project 2020-70028-32728. The National AgrAbility Project is supported by AgrAbility Project, USDA/NIFA Special Project 2016-41590-25880.

Buckeyes consider the environment before printing.
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