[Sc-aquaponics] Forwarded Fact Sheet/office hours - no office hours today

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 26 08:30:48 EDT 2021


This week I am sharing educational information (The Forwarded Fact Sheet of the week) generated by the NAA and others as they may be of interest to your farm as you educate consumers and enhance your own marketing. There are brochures, white papers, and even a video from Chef Barton. Websites such as https://eatmidwestfish.org/, https://www.seafoodwatch.org, and http://thenaa.net (among many others) offer opportunities to link your sustainably raised aquaculture websites/social media to these educational resources to help with marketing your products.

Publications for the NAA mentioned above can be found here: http://thenaa.net/publications

Unfortunately, I have scheduling conflicts today and as such there will not be any open office hours held today. As you know, you can call/email me anytime and we can chat. We can also set up a Zoom video call. Please share with the farmers in your Midwest state (thanks to NCRAC) so they know they can reach out to me if they need m or just want to talk/bounce ideas around.

Have a good weekend.



[The Ohio State University]
Matthew A. Smith
Program Director, Aquaculture Extension

Madison County Extension Office
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
217 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140
740.852.0975 ext 17 Office
smith.11460 at osu.edu
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