[Sc-aquaponics] Fw: [Iisg-aquaculture] Aeration Theory and Practice

Smith, Matthew A. smith.11460 at osu.edu
Mon Nov 9 11:41:13 EST 2020

This is a do not miss event! Looks like I will be adjusting my open office hours to accommodate this webinar by Dr. Boyd!


Matt Smith

USAS/NAA/ACES  Aquaculture Webinar - Claude Boyd Aeration Theory and Practice Nov 20  1pm CST

Thank you for joining us in our past aquaculture related webinars.  The October webinar presented by Dr. Terry Hanson on Aquaponics Economics along with many of our other past webinars is now available online on the aquaculture education and more Youtube channel at  https://www.youtube.com/user/clinedj1<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/user/clinedj1__;!!KGKeukY!mL5U7W1_qkAYzISOzEm7gj9mEJobYlqyWm5VMZJulbh-cBrswMQri2uPSwoKIwPc0cmxMA$>.  Hopefully it will be available soon on the US Aquaculture Society YouTube Channel as well. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKadK2JNBx1zsGmc72iRVA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoKadK2JNBx1zsGmc72iRVA__;!!KGKeukY!mL5U7W1_qkAYzISOzEm7gj9mEJobYlqyWm5VMZJulbh-cBrswMQri2uPSwoKIwPy08fvJA$>

Our next webinar will be presented on Friday November 20th, at 1pm Central time (CST).  Water quality expert Dr. Claude E. Boyd will discuss Aeration Theory and practice.

The presentation will focus on the use of mechanical aeration to increase yields in aquaculture production systems.  The purpose of aeration will be explained, because there is much misunderstanding of the reason aeration is applied and of the benefits accrued. The presentation will focus on the principles of aerator performance, design, and efficient operation.  Opportunity for asking questions about aeration will be provided.

Dr. Claude E. Boyd is a water quality expert.  Anyone involved in aquaculture has likely benefited from his prolific research and publication efforts.  Dr. Boyd was a teacher and researcher in water quality related to aquaculture and fisheries at Auburn University for 50 years before retiring a few years ago.  Though retired he is still actively publishing and continues to share his experiences with the world. He was involved in the development of the paddle wheel aerator commonly used in channel catfish farming in the United States and has extensive experience with aeration of shrimp ponds.

The webinar is free but registration is required.  Click Here to Register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://auburn.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkc-GprzwvG93TYB6aDn9wk5Lj8K3o-Wgj__;!!KGKeukY!mL5U7W1_qkAYzISOzEm7gj9mEJobYlqyWm5VMZJulbh-cBrswMQri2uPSwoKIwPMrcOb6A$>

Please share this information and flyer with colleagues that might be interested.



David Cline

Associate Extension Professor, Aquaculture

Past President US Aquaculture Society

203 Swingle Hall

Auburn University, AL 36849


334-744-2688 cell

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