[ΦTΣ] November 30 deadline for the Dr. Daryl B. and Mrs. Dawn L. Lund Student International Travel Scholarship

Lee, Ken lee.133 at osu.edu
Sat Nov 27 16:12:27 EST 2021

From: Kathryn L. Kotula
To: phitausigma at lists.osu.edu<mailto:phitausigma at lists.osu.edu> <phitausigma at lists.osu.edu<mailto:phitausigma at lists.osu.edu>>
Subject: November 30 deadline approaching for the Dr. Daryl B. and Mrs. Dawn L. Lund Student International Travel Scholarship

Tuesday November 30 is the deadline for the Dr. Daryl B. and Mrs. Dawn L. Lund Student International Travel Scholarship.
The nomination form is attached, and is also on the Phi Tau Sigma website www.phitausigma.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.phitausigma.org__;!!KGKeukY!msvqCynU8Svr5dTbNi_IsUsFXywpfox6Y1Eju3aJM4zDT9PVsiyFaSfOYe2tze9m$>.

"The Dr. Daryl B. & Mrs. Dawn L. Lund Student International Scholarship of Phi Tau Sigma, The Honor Society of Food Science and Technology, shall be given to a student Member of Phi Tau Sigma to supplement international travel for educational purposes.  The award is presented to honor the commitment of Dr. and Mrs. Lund to international development and relations.

The scholarship honorarium is based on the Dr. Daryl B. & Mrs. Dawn L. Lund Student International Scholarship Endowment, and is $2,000."

"Appropriate international education opportunities are defined as an activity that involves the international travel of a student Member for the primary purpose of food science education.  (Examples include: study, research, or internship opportunities, as well as attendance at meetings that are international for the student for the purpose of presenting their research findings.) Funds cannot be used to support broad collective activities (e.g., graduate student mixer at an international location/meeting; group travel for study abroad)."

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