[ΦTΣ] Occasional spam management

Lee, Ken lee.133 at osu.edu
Tue Sep 15 11:08:25 EDT 2015

It has come to our attention that an internet spammer has hijacked mlperry5's identity and is sending crap to you.  I appreciate any notice of this activity as my incoming filters generally trash this stuff.  I have placed a moderation-only bit on the offending address with apologies as it is not mlperry5's fault.  You should not get any more crap from phitausigma (other than majority approved elected officer drivel).  Thank you for your patience and continued interest in the honorary society for food science and technology.

Anyone can adjust their own phitausigma at lists.osu.edu<mailto:phitausigma at lists.osu.edu> settings here:

Our Ohio State CIO (Chief Information Officer) points out the recent internet denial of service attacks at Rutgers (which shares the same cable with the NY Stock Exchange) is traced to a $500 payment by a Rutgers student who did not like something. Having a BS from Rutgers I can verify there are lots of things at Rutgers for students to not like. The book of internet integrity remains to be written so please be patient as the prologue is in the cloud:

Professor Ken Lee |Director for OSU Food Innovation  http://fic.osu.edu/ | 614.292.7797 |CV http://u.osu.edu/kenlee  | Conference: 712.775.7300 510713# |Calendar http://go.osu.edu/lee  DC Summit http://go.osu.edu/may21

From: Phitausigma [mailto:phitausigma-bounces at lists.osu.edu] On Behalf Of mlperry5 at ncsu.edu
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 10:21 PM
Subject: [ΦTΣ] Fw: important message

Hey friend!
Check it out
mlperry5 at ncsu.edu<mailto:mlperry5 at ncsu.edu>

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