[ΦTΣ] Newsletters

Lee, Ken lee.133 at osu.edu
Thu Aug 13 12:41:51 EDT 2015

Dear Phi Tau Sigma Member:
My apologies as recent newsletters are not working under the "newsletter" tab on the website.  There is a flaw in the code that is so far quite elusive.  So there is now a less elegant way to find your favorite newsletter at http://phitausigma.org/pdf/newsletters that are Listed by Year Month# Monthname PDF.

Our continued appreciation goes to Editor Kathy Kotula for her excellent work on news.  Just for grins I paste below the website hit counts that show for some unknown reason the June 2011 issue was the most popular by quite a margin.

The website is sporadically offline as I explore backup versions to find the fatal flaw. So maybe you want to download forms, pay dues or make a nomination while you still can?  Here are direct links:

*        New member nominations:

*        Pay dues: http://phitausigma.org/content.php/116-Pay-your-dues

*        Gew Gaw Gift Shop:

You can send a message to members using phitausigma at lists.osu.edu<mailto:phitausigma at lists.osu.edu>.  You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking here https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/listinfo/phitausigma
Happy National Filet Mignon Day.
-Ken Lee
NEWS    Date      Hits
Jul-15    07-01-2015         0
Jun-15   06-17-2015         0
May-15 06-17-2015         1
Apr-15   04-03-2015         75
Mar-15  02-28-2015         961
Feb-15   02-02-2015         1253
Jan-15   01-05-2015         3608
Dec-14  12-01-2014         7067
Nov-14  11-03-2014         2122
Oct-14   10-02-2014         3578
Sep-14   09-09-2014         3103
Jul-14    07-21-2014         1738
Jun-14   06-02-2014         229
May-14 05-01-2014         309
Apr-14   04-01-2014         252
Mar-14  03-07-2014         216
Feb-14   02-01-2014         236
Jan-14   01-06-2014         425
Dec-13  12-02-2013         453
Nov-13  11-01-2013         599
Oct-13   10-01-2013         1490
Sep-13   09-06-2013         1961
Jul-13    07-01-2013         2302
Jun-13   06-03-2013         1695
May-13 05-01-2013         1887
Apr-13   04-02-2013         1839
Mar-13  02-28-2013         2546
Feb-13   02-01-2013         3240
Jan-13   01-02-2013         4877
Dec-12  12-04-2012         5429
Nov-12  10-31-2012         5030
Oct-12   10-01-2012         8745
Sep-12   09-01-2012         14856
Jul-12    07-02-2012         4975
Jun-12   06-01-2012         3559
May-12 05-01-2012         6510
Apr-12   04-05-2012         3985
Mar-12  02-29-2012         5621
Feb-12   02-08-2012         6663
Jan-12   01-03-2012         6248
Dec-11  12-01-2011         9889
Nov-11  11-01-2011         11780
Oct-11   10-03-2011         13375
Sep-11   09-02-2011         7636
Jul-11    06-30-2011         13351
Jun-11   05-22-2011         77288
May-11 05-17-2011         10065
Apr-11   04-01-2011         14489
Mar-11  03-01-2011         9556
Feb-11   02-01-2011         9321
Jan-11   01-01-2011         10118
Dec-10  12-01-2010         8692
Nov-10  11-01-2010         5940
Oct-10   Oct-10   5020

Professor Ken Lee |Director for OSU Food Innovation  http://fic.osu.edu/ | 614.292.7797 |CV http://u.osu.edu/kenlee  | Conference: 712.775.7300 510713# |Calendar http://go.osu.edu/lee  DC Summit http://go.osu.edu/may21
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