[ΦTΣ] Some text for Nomination to Phi Tau Sigma, Food Science Honor Society

Lee, Ken lee.133 at osu.edu
Thu May 30 11:15:14 EDT 2013

An outstanding student is nominating members to Phi Tau Sigma and activating our local chapter.  I forward this email conversation to you (bottom up) in case a student seeks to get this underway for your local chapter.  A follow up note from a professional member is also helpful, and that is also clipped below.  Cheers and perhaps we will see you at the ΦTΣ annual events.  Happy National Mint Julep Day.
Phi Tau Sigma Advisory Council Meeting & Lunch

Saturday, July 13, 2013

 11:30 AM

 1:00 PM


Phi Tau Sigma Luncheon to Honor Professor Owen Fennema

Monday, July 15, 2013

 12:00 PM

 1:30 PM



Professor Ken Lee |Director for OSU Food Innovation  http://fic.osu.edu/ |org:42031 | 614.292.7797 http://fst.osu.edu/lee/ | Past President ΦTΣ http://phitausigma.com<http://phitausigma.com/> | Conference: 712.451.6000 1043421#  Note all Linkedin and all Facebook requests go directly to trash and many @gmail.com addresses are spam trapped.

Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:29 PM
To: Lee, Ken
Subject: Re: Nomination to Phi Tau Sigma, Food Science Honor Society
Thanks for sending this!
On 5/22/2013 4:10 PM, Lee, Ken wrote:
Reply all:
I would like to reply-all and thank you for considering Jess’ suggestion.  Phi Tau Sigma is the only honorary society representing food science and technology.  It is still cheap at $10, it is a resume entry, but more important a network of motivated people that help to raise the stature of the food profession.  It is and independent non-profit society, not part of IFT, although it piggybacks on IFT’s annual meeting for convenience of scheduling.  As such, it has independent governance and goals.  Many of the things that IFT has become too large or too bureaucratic to do, Phi Tau Sigma does well.  Students who want to have impact are empowered here.  Membership is by nomination and peer review and such selectivity is intentional; it is not arrogant, it is honorary.
Please let John Litchfield, Denny Heldman, or Ken Lee know if you want to discuss any aspect, as we are very much involved in this fine organization.  I hope you invest the time in completing the template that Jess just sent you, it will pay dividends for many years.  I wish you the best in your continued achievements.
Professor Ken Lee |Director for OSU Food Innovation  http://fic.osu.edu/ |org:42031 | 614.292.7797 http://fst.osu.edu/lee/ | Past President ΦTΣ http://phitausigma.com<http://phitausigma.com/> | Conference: 712.451.6000 1043421#  Note all Linkedin and all Facebook requests go directly to trash and many @gmail.com addresses are spam trapped.

From: Jessica Cooperstone [mailto:cooperstone.1 at buckeyemail.osu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:09 PM
To: <recruit list redacted>
Subject: Nomination to Phi Tau Sigma, Food Science Honor Society
Hello everyone --

I'm in the process of reviving Ohio State's Buckeye Chapter of Phi Tau Sigma, the national food science honor society (http://phitausigma.org/ for more information).  Our chapter has been defunct for a number of years and we're trying to get it back up and active.  Phi Tau Sigma is the sponsor of the graduate poster competition at IFT and chapters can organize events as they see fit.  We hope to bring in one high stature speaker each year over a luncheon and are open to other event suggestions.

This process includes nomination of new members, including students (who are associate members).  This email is going to some applicants that I thought would be fitting for PTS, although other excellent and involved students (with junior status or higher) are welcome to apply.  We are hoping to keep PTS of high stature.  There is a GPA requirement of 3.5, although if your GPA is lower you can write a statement why you should still be considered.  You are also welcome to calculate your FST GPA.  We want any applicants to have significant food science experience so first year graduate students without an FS degree are encourage to wait to apply.

This process begins with the completion of a nomination statement.  I've included a template which you can fill out for yourself and I will edit.  Do your best to describe your food science related experiences, including internships, awards, scholarships, publications, presentations, FSC involvement etc.  Bullet points for the awards section will suffice.  Feel free to contact me about your nomination if you have any questions.

You can leave the nominators portion blank, we will fill that portion out for you.  I hope to have these nominations back by the end of next week (xx) so we can get nominees accepted pre-IFT.

I hope you all consider applying to Phi Tau Sigma, and feel free to contact with questions/comments/concerns, or alert me if you have any other suggestions for outstanding applicants.

­Jessica Cooperstone

Ph.D. Student

The Ohio State University

Food Science & Technology

2015 Fyffe Ct. | Columbus, OH 43210
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